Man, what a day.
I’d been having some…er, urination problems for a long time – years, in fact – but nothing I’d taken too seriously. I finally talked to my doctor about it last week since I was in for something else at the same time. She referred me to a urologist and had me take a blood test related to my prostate. No biggie.
So today, she calls me out of the blue and does the good news/bad news routine. “Well, there’s nothing wrong with you prostate; the test came back just fine. However, your blood sugar was 3xx” (I can’t remember if she said 320-something or 360-something) “which is way off-base. Did you fast before the test?” I told her I had not, but she said my blood sugar was still entirely too high, even for having just had a meal.
“Sweetie, I think you have diabetes. Do you have a family history?”
I tell her that two close relatives had it.
“Uh huh. I already know that you have problems being tired a lot.”
“Do you urinate frequently?”
sigh Yes, all the time.
“Are you often thirsty?”
I go through water and soda like there’s no tomorrow.
“Yeah, I’m starting you on glucosamine. Now. You’re taking a blood test tomorrow after fasting, and then you’re coming in to see me.”
OK, so this isn’t a huge shock to me, I suppose. As I said, it runs in my family. And when I was a bit younger and used to down a lot of soda, I often had the symptoms of…can’t think of the name of it…where you get jittery if you haven’t eaten. Anyhow, despite the fact that it’s no huge surprise, I’m still in a bit of shock. I’m 33 years old, and I’ve eaten nothing but crap all of my life. And all of a sudden, soda and pancakes (my favorite food in the world) have essentially been ripped away from me. The afternoon has been very surreal for me.
So I’m sitting here, about seven hours after having learned this, and I’m just wondering, what do I do? I know that I’ll probably see a nutritionist to help with my diet once I’ve been confirmed as diabetic (and told what type and all that). But I’d like to hear from other Dopers about how you found out and how hard it was for you to adjust your lifestyle.
I know it’s not like life’s over for me or anything. One of the benefits, actually, is that I’ll have no choice but to become a much healthier person than I am now. And it’s not like I’ll never eat bad stuff ever again. It’s just…different.
Anyway, please share your stories. I’m not necessarily looking for specific advice, but if you have it, it’s welcome. I will see my doctor again on Thursday or Friday, and I’m sure I’ll learn much more then. But when you have the Dope at your fingertips, why wait?
Thanks, folks.