Could we get a movement underway to change the spelling of "Yarmulke"

Your location says you’re in Australia. That means the people you know are going to pronounce that word with a silent “R”, and to you, that’s going to be how it’s spelled, since the R in the middle of a word after a vowel is not enunciated with the Australian accent. In other words, it’s going to sound like “Yah-maka.”

That might be it, then - my Jewish relatives speak a lot of Yiddish, but for them Hebrew is pretty much just a ceremonial language. Rather like Latin is for a lot of Catholics.

No. The “r” is pronounced. And the “u” is closer to “oo” sound than the “ah” sound.

I’ve always heard it as “yah-mah-kah” from my relatives who wore them.

My grandparents, on both sides, were native Yiddish speakers, one set spoke the Litvish dialect, the other the Ukrainian/Polish dialect. Both pronounced the word with “r” not silent and the “oo” kind of sound for the “u”. The difference was the ending - “ah” for one and “eh” for the other.

Right after we agree about how best to spell Hanukah or Chanukkah or Hannaka. My daughter was dinged for spelling it that way recently. Her teacher has decided the correct spelling is Hanukkah.

You’re right. The R isn’t sounded. But the L most definitely is. It’s not “yah-maka”. It’s “yah-mulka”.

I wear one of them, and usually say “kipa”. If I were to call it a “yarmulka”, I definitely would not pronounce it “yamaka”.

That looks Japanese.

Of all the nutty English spellings that aren’t even caused by the word being borrowed from another language, and you pick this one? Of all the meshugah ideas…

Yommocka then.