Count to infinity in pictures

Oops. (cut & paste works, though.)

In play: the genesis of Johnny Depp


No, not the Illuminati.

Yes, Mr. President.


All police brutality needs covered. Batteries not included.

It’s a friendly number.

Yet another zombie apocalypse!

Just like the Olympics.

Yes, that’s Peter Frampton.

Please use GO ADVANCED to make sure your link is good once you’ve posted it. Several so far are already dead links.

This look’s like a job for…

For future reference, pressing Ctrl-X / Ctrl-V in the URL bar is the workaround for those silly websites that don’t allow hotlinking images. :rolleyes:

Anyway…pursuant to the above, I like this one better, but you can always view this one as a backup.


About 600 U.S. high school students do this each year.

Again, another choice to make (or choose this backup page).

Don’t just see it, hear it!

Good for almost anything.