Country air

It is the hottest night of the year so far. 82Degrees. It will get to be 100 before the summers over.

I live in the country. I ,we,love it. Wouldn’t trade with anyone except…

Last year some neighbors got together and decided to start a dairy. High Tech everything.Well there is one thing that dairy cattle produce more than milk. Yep organic fertilizer.

All the neighbors were assured that there would be no smell.To say Bull shit here would be technically incorrect.

We do not have air conditioning because we are not home most of the time and since there is always a breeze a fan for directing the breeze is all we usually need.Most of the time we have no smell because the prevailing wind is from the west.Except on those extremely hot days that the wind is from the south.Like tonight.

Oh Puke!
If we close the south windows and turn our fans blowing in from the other directions we still smell the smell.It kind of swirls around the house.1500 cows can produce a lot of manure.
Actually it is better than it was a month ago. Maybe the lagoon did not have enough bacteria built up.
Oh well just another little purp we get living in the country.

Was raised in the country so “fresh country air” does not bother me. Chickens, hogs, sheep…completely different matter.

Skunk - as long as I’m not up close and personal - does not bother me either.

Fermenting silage is a pleasant smell, similar to my mind of the smell of cut grass/alfalfa.

I don’t think the smell has gotten better; I think you’ve gotten used to it.

I like the smell of freshly cut alfalfa…but fermenting silage smells too much like the inside of a cow’s stomach!

Mmmm…fermenting silage! Feed lots! Mmmm. :wink:
Ever notice that city air smells better after a rain, and that country air smells worse?

The problem is the odor doesn’t go away like feed lot odor does. Or when hog manure is spread.Sooner or later it drys up.I’ve worked in hog confinements and it ain’t even close to this smell.

This is sunday night.Wind is from the east,what there is of it.Last night was not so bad since the wind changed.I can’t wait til it is 100 degrees and a south breeze.

Mangeorge I want to personally invite you to dinner next time there is a south breeze.