Couple of (Deep) Matrix Questions

Just a quick acknowledgement post to say that dalovindj presents some really interesting takes on how to think about the situation presented by the Matrix and the questions is raises.


PS: Why can’t a movie like the Matrix be visually cool, have debatable plot holes and still lead to worthy discussion about what is intelligence, what is reality, will machines ever be sentient and how will those machines and humans interact? For those of you who dismiss the Matrix’ take on these questions, fine, but the questions themselves are obviously worthy and whether the Matrix does a serviceable job positing one possible answer is in the eye of the beholder, but it does lead to discussion, which is a good thing.

Thanks. It’s nice to be appreciated.

Man, the next month is going to be huge for movies. We’ve got The Matrix, X2, and The Hulk. I saw the trailer for The Matrix and damn the movie looks smooth. Can’t wait . . .