couples-what's your song?

Save the Best for Last by Vanessa Williams. Because that’s what we did :slight_smile:

Eve6- Inside Out

I dont really know how a song becomes “your song” but if it is a song you listend to together and lateron listened to in an endless loop for days cause you just “missed him so much” … well… if it is that mine is:

For you by Tracy Chapman
Keep away from it. It s mine!


In My Life, by the Beatles. It was sung solo acapella at our wedding by a friend of Mrs. Blue, and we have the entire ceremony on audio tape.

Memories…wedded bliss 19 years this coming October.

“I Only Have Eyes For You” by the Flamingos. When they do that ‘She-bop, Sha-bop’ background vocal, my wife and I melt into each other. It’s an oldie, but a real-goodie.

my third boyfriend Matt is the only one whose “our song” I can remember… it was “Heartbeats Accelerating” by Kate and Anna McGarrigle. We translated it into Esperanto for each other (“Korbatoj Rapidendas”)

There’s a reason behind this one. When Mr. Jeannie and I had been dating for a few weeks, we were discussing our respective tastes in music. He’s into classic rock and metal. I’m into country and 80s rock. So I said that we’d never managed to find a song to be ours. He said to just start naming songs until we agreed. We got into discussing oldies. I started singing, “Sugar…aw, Honey, honey, you are my candy girl…” and he just started singing along.

So, our song is Sugar by the Archies.

At our wedding, our first dance was I Don’t Wanna Miss A Thing by Aerosmith.

Our official first song is Kathy Mattea’s “Asking Us to Dance”… Seemed so perfect with how we met, felt, yadda yadda yadda, blah blah blah… 10 years later, however, our song (well, mine anyways) sounds more like a square dance and goes something like this:

Kick the dog, she’s in the trash,
found herself some week-old hash
Just chewed up my brand new hat,
Now I wish I had a caaaat.

Kids are loud, they want to eat
shit, forgot to thaw the meat
throw them both some beans and franks,
Get dirty looks instead of thannnks.

I want a bath and go to bed
but hubby’s begging me for head
Lick him one time just for fun,
Lick him twice and now he’s doooone.

Out of here I want to run
Need to chill and have some fun
Think I’ll go and get a drink,
and hit the boards to make me thiiiink.

Seriously though, I love em all to death :slight_smile:

I’ve been dating my GF for 4.5 years. Our song is “Wouldn’t It Be Nice” by the Beach Boys. She sent it to me on a tape during the summer break our freshman year in college (after 8 months of dating), since we were apart for so long.


Well, although he likes to sing, Close to You by the Carpenters to me all the time (he’s quite sappy), our “official” song is Grateful Dead’s Sugar Magnolia.

“Do you believe in life after love?”, by Cher.

It’s not one of those sweet, ‘He first kissed me while this was playing’ songs though. We had the radio on one night, and that song came on. He sang along. I’ve never heard such bad singing in my life. He completely runed the song. But whenever I hear it, I can see my boy, belting out the lyrics at the top of his lungs, and I have to smile. He gave me the single for my birthday. And every now and then, if I’m lucky, he’ll sing along for me :slight_smile:

We had bunches of ‘em, including (I blush to admit it) Celine Dion’s ** Falling Into You ** and Garth Brooks’ ** Shameless ** Though Mrs. HTB is not a big country fan, she said it perfectly captured her emotions, besides being a fun,over-the-top performance. But the one that we asked her brother to play at our wedding was Tish Hinojosa’s gorgeous ** Who Showed You The Way to My Heart **

Van Morrison’s Brown-Eyed Girl. We danced to it at my husband’s father’s wedding. They got married outside at this inn/restaurant, and we danced all around the pond in back, on the slate walkway. It was outrageously romantic. Sometimes we dance to it at home. And yes, I have brown eyes. :slight_smile:

Lightning Strikes by Lou Christie. Mr. Rilch’s and my first date was to opening day at Three Rivers Stadium. Lou Christie sang the anthem, and performed his song during the 7th inning stretch.

Sigh. No more Three Rivers. So we can’t revisit the setting of Our First Date. And they’re putting up a parking lot where it used to be. We thought that was funny, in a way. We’re both big Peanuts fans, and it immediately reminded us of the sequence wherein Snoopy went to visit the Daisy Hill Puppy Farm, and found there was a parking lot where it had been. “You’re parking on my memories!”

OK, this is my preemptive strike - It’s still not “Slack Motherfucker” which Snooooopy’s been lobbying for.

I’m open to (other) suggestions.

Aw, but that would be so COOOOOOOOL!

Aww, Silver, that’s so sad! :frowning: You and I can have a song, if you’d like…

Oh yeah. She (Claire, my ex-, see above) would probably shoot me if she knew I forgot this… She claimed she couldn’t sing and I refused to believe her. In fact, even after she’s sung for me I still think she sings well. Anyway, the song was “From This Moment On” by Shania Twain, and it was the first song she ever sang aloud for me. And I haven’t been able to listen to it since we broke up…

REM’s The One I Love.

I work on the road a lot, and the song describes one lover’s longing for the other.

Lyrics here.

Our “song” is Cross My Heart by George Strait.

The one we danced to first at our wedding was Love Me Tender, Amy Grant’s version, from the “Honeymoon In Vegas” soundtrack.


My betrothed and I have three:
“Rasberry Swirl” by Tori Amos (wink,wink,nudge,nudge)

“Dawn”, by Stabbing Westward from the Escape from LA soundtrack. Great soundtrack, used very poorly in a lousy movie. Hint: her name is the second word in the song.

“I want you Bad”, by the Offspring. Mmmm, bad

If she sees this, I’m dead