Covering bruised eyes from crying?

Fuck yeah it was.

Come on now…

Ferret Herder, I made it to Sephora and I am pretty sure that concealer was made by NASA. I saved myself $9 and went for the Sephora brand, though, and it seems to be working very well. No more freckle 'stache!

The date sucked, by the way.

edit: But at least I got a free meal.

A beret is always in style!

Sorry to hijack, but I’ve never tried that stuff and I wondered if it really worked. I have God-awful oily skin, and I have a primer from Avon that I like but my Avon lady seems to have disappeared.

Farmer Jane, I’m sorry your date sucked, and I hope whatever made you cry is better now.

That Avon concealer really works, huh?!


Season two is starting already?

I thought the CitizenPained telenovela was cancelled last year? I guess the ratings were good enough after all.

Same show, different name?

Awesome, glad to hear you found something! What’s the name of the Sephora stuff you got?

Dr. Girlfriend, I think the De-Slick In a Tube is really decent. You only need a fairly small amount, and it dries pretty quickly and matte. I have a somewhat oily nose, and this takes care of it for most of the day; later in the day I might have to use a blotting paper or something depending on the conditions.
