Covington Catholic High (in case it hasn't been mentioned already)


However, I very much DO want the school itself to be held accountable. This was an incident that practically screamed for responsible adult intervention, and so far, I’ve seen no evidence that anyone representing the school, other than the students themselves, were anywhere in sight.

And shortly before this incident, they appear to have been harassing a small group of young women near the Lincoln Memorial. The chaperones (if there were any) should have responded to that, not just by reacting to that incident as it was happening, but by making it clear in no uncertain terms that they were to be on their best behavior for the rest of their trip, or the shit would hit the fan.

I want to hear from the school: what adult supervision did these kids have on their trip to DC? It seems to have been a fairly large group of students; they should have had several adult chaperones, and one hopes that would have included a teacher/administrator or two: while parents can help keep the kids in line, they don’t really represent the school per se. And where were these adults when this incident was happening, what were they doing, and why are they apparently invisible? This is what I want to know.

ETA: And the MAGA hats. On a trip like this, the kids represent the school. Apparently the school, or at least the adults it sent along on the trip, condoned the set of political stances associated with those hats. I’d be interested in their justification of this.

Absolutely. This speaks primarily to a multi-year institutional failure (e.g., whoever had the authority to snatch baldheaded those kids in blackface, and didn’t, should be fired). By all means the authorities at this school need accountability. Focus there.

They could also easily get the shit beat out of them by any asshole who recognised them off Twitter.


The video clip is so short that you can’t tell what happened other than the boys yelled something in the women’s direction. Without knowing what preceded, it’s hard to make a judgement. But thank you for linking to a misleading clip.

Maybe he’s European.

Wait: you say the clip at the link was misleading.

But unless you know enough about what happened to say that this clip gives a false impression of what happened, there’s no way you can claim that. But you’re saying “you can’t tell what happened.”

Nice self-own, thanks for playing.

Nah, just a dumbass.

I concur.

All I saw was an obese white woman with too much makeup and unnatural hair color. Perhaps, she was asking where the nearest buffet was and the boys suggested she eat a salad.

Is there more to this video?

Well aren’t you a charming little shit.

You and the rest of the left wing, Internet lynch mob want blood over a kid wearing a hat. You all are sick.

I thought the internet lynch mob was angry at Gillette? Or was that a different internet lynch mob?

There’s like, a not-too-long list of people where if they just stopped posting, or everyone put them on ignore, the forum would be better. LAZombie is near the top of that list. Just stop quoting him. If he posts something really nasty (like that) report him, so that hopefully we can ban the shitty, stupid, obnoxious troll who has literally never made a post worth reading. :slight_smile:

There is a legitimate gray area about appropriate supervision for kids that age. I mean, they are old enough to drive, have a job . . . IME, it’s pretty normal to let a group of kids that age wander in an area (like, around the Lincoln Memorial) for a while, as long as you have cell numbers, they use the buddy system, and there’s a solid meet up time. I take kids to colleges for events all the time, and I let them go outside to play Frisbee or walk over to the student union to get a coke. When they get off the bus after the field trip, I let them get on public transportation or walk home by themselves.

I think these kids were shits, and there’s evidence that the school has a culture of reinforcing shitty behavior, but I don’t think that you have to have eyes on a 16-year olds at all times on a field trip.


Wow, an unprovoked attack on a total stranger! What other kindnesses do you have stored up?

It’s hard to keep them all straight.

What the actual fuck? You really are an asshole.

Just as long as you are aware that the phenomenon you are describing is a human thing, not a political side thing.

Lying sack of shit troll says what?
The fact that you think your unimaginative and juvenile reinterpretation would be a reasonable scenario tells us all we need to know about the value of your posts.