My friends in college (who lived in the sticks growing up) swore up and down that cow tipping can’t really happen, that if you go up to a “docile” cow, it’ll either run away or even get belligerent with you. Anyone got any experience with this?
Well, I guess I have to be the farm boy who goes against all of the other farm boys… but from what I hear, it has been done (maybe just locally, since all of the other farm boys are so certain that it never happened).
Cows (or, again, at least our cows) sometimes doze in the pasture without laying down. My uncle swore that tipping the cows (on our dairy farm) had previously caused big problems in their milk production (tipping a cow isn’t easy, of course, and once it’s been smacked hard enough to fall down and then also hits the ground, things get messed up).
Then again, my uncle could have just been pulling my leg. I never actually performed the required experiment.
Me and some friends tried when living out near a farm. We couldn’t get close to them. The few times we did, and we tried to tip it the thing would just move over instead of falling. Unless there is a special tactic that I don’t know about.
Cow tipping can be done if you know the 3 words that end in “gry” AND you eat Pop Rocks™ while drinking Coca Cola™.
I know this is true because it happened to my brother-in-law’s cousin’s sister’s friend’s former roommate.
Here is how the process was explained to me by my country cousin:
You need three people. You find a dozing cow. One person kneels beside the cow’s front leg, one person kneels beside the cow’s hind leg. The third person pushes.
Of course the pusher should be the country kid, who knows the territory and has experience with cows!
This was the same cousin who told me I could get rid of my freckles by merely touching my nose to the electric fence. Tried that one . . .
A friend of mine from Alabama says that cowtipping was used to leave people in the middle of nowhere - you trick them into thinking cowtipping is real, they hop out of the car to push one over, and the car takes off! Not sure how many times this would work though.
Fortunately you need TWO city suckers . . . er, I mean slickers . . . because obviously I was gullible enough to have fallen for it, but none of my other city cousins was.
I don’t think it’s one or the other. Determined humans can knock over cows. It’s a bitch to do so. Most line-ups of bovine re-alignment involve adult beverages and a certain lateness of evening. The least initiated folks along have to assume that their buddies are telling the truth.
I asked my friend whode family owned a dairy farm up in Idaho about this. She said, “Yes. It’s true. Go do it any time you want. The cows don’t seem to mind much.”