I wish this post could be amusing, but I ain’t got it in me.
Let me introduce this by saying I have always tried to be a careful, thoughtful parent. So has Mr. Cranky. We had Cranky Jr. when we were both past 30. We had time and resources to prepare for parenthood. We both have read books on raising the little creatures. We care about doing things right. I carefully researched many of the aspects of his care as an infant, not to mention all the baby gear we bought. I have a good group of other moms I confer with on the internet, and together we inform each other about trends, worries, concerns, and strategies, and we’ve done so since we were expecting. I always thought I was too lazy to be a great parent, but having little Cranky brought out the best in me.
That said, today we found out that Cranky Jr, not even two years old, has cavities. We, his idiot parents, did not start brushing his baby teeth early enough. We weren’t consistent enough about it, either. I knew that letting him fall asleep after nursing could hurt his teeth, but I didn’t think that would matter that much. Same with letting him have a bottle before naps, once he weaned. I thought that somehow dental problems wouldn’t touch the Cranky household. Not us! Not the informed, educated, caring parents! That happens to other people, people who let their baby have candy, or drink soda, or never use a toothbrush.
When the dentist told me the pediodontist would probably have to sedate Cranky Jr. and then restrain him to treat this, and that is generally so unnerving that parents aren’t even allowed in the room, I burst into tears.
God, I feel like such a crappy parent! We knew better! We knew! And now he has to go through an experience that he may very well find traumatic, all because my stupid self thought we were invincible on this front.
Mr. Cranky and I feel absolutely horrible. I wouldn’t wish this feeling on anybody.
Furthermore, once we treat this, we’re going have to be maniacs about dental care. Apparently Cranky Jr. has a mouth that is plaque heaven. This is surprise, because Mr Cranky and I have pretty good teeth, and no major dental problems. Sigh.
Did I mention I don’t have Cranky Jr on our dental insurance, because I didn’t think he’d need dental care until he’s three? No big loss, our dental insurance pays about 1% of anything beyond cleanings.