Creating realistic-appearing humanoid robots

Exactly. Remember the autopilot from Airplane!? Ha!


The “stuntronic” robots Disney has been working on are decent at superheroic human-like movements. They use them for eliminating risks to actual human performers in stunt shows. If you jump to the 3-minute mark in the Youtube video, the aerial gymnastics look pretty fluid.

A Spider-Man stuntronic does have the advantage that they don’t need to get the skin right, at all, since it’s entirely costumed. Nor does anyone ever need to touch it, or even see it up close, or for longer than a second or two at a time.

Yeah they were, they were ubiquitous in industry and pretty popular in the home market too.

One could make a much stronger case that games are what have advanced digital technology. Games are older than PCs (in that games were a common test of programmable computers long before consumer devices existed). They’ve pushed 2D and 3D technology (including the whole raison d’etre for GPUs), as well as AI, compression etc algorithms and overall system specs.

Porn came much later, although no doubt it has also been a force in, for example, demand for broadband and high-quality streaming.

Exactly. She can take it as a preview of what she’d look like post-botox.