I just read a book about bankruptcy.
Anyhow, I’m aware that predatory lending is normally something that bad companies do to try to trick people with bad credit (and little money) into taking out a home equity mortgage. The idea is after a while, the customer will default, lose their house and the company gets it.
Before I ask my question, this is how I see it:
Credit card companies want people to go into debt. They aren’t losing a dime, even on people who file for bankruptcy, because they’re charging everyone an arm and a leg in fees and interest. They freely give credit to everyone of age, even people who have filed for bankruptcy or have otherwise terrible credit.
So what I’m wanting to know is:
Would it be a total violation of everything we hold dear in capitalist America to make a law that prohibits credit card companies from offering credit cards to, say, people whose credit rating is, oh, under 625 or something? (Note: secured credit cards would still be available to anyone willing to put up the money for it.)
What would happen if suddenly they could only offer them to people with average (and above) credit?
I’m not saying we SHOULD do this, don’t get me wrong. I’m all about the free market, I’m no commie. I realize that nobody puts a gun to anyone’s head and makes them sign up for a credit card. Nobody makes you swipe it, either. Lots of people out there are just plain stupid and can’t control themselves when they get the plastic in their hands.
However, these companies know that certain customers are very likely to get themselves into trouble, and don’t even have the means to pay their bills to begin with. These are precisely the people they go after!
With bankruptcies through the roof, I can’t see how allowing everyone access to credit is a good thing for society in general, OR the individual.
In the past, to get any kind of credit you had to prove that you had the means to repay the money. Today it’s handed out to anyone old enough.
So what’s the answer?
Yes, personal responsibility is part of the solution, and we already know this, so let’s not go there for now.
Are the credit card companies completely innocent, though? If not, what can be done to stop them from encouraging people who are already broke to take on even more debt, WITHOUT trampling on their right to do business?