Credit Card offers have dried up: why?

I haven’t gotten one for more than two weeks now. Not that I’m complaining. I just shred them anyway. But, it’s curious–for the last several years, I’ve been getting them regularly…2-3(or more) a week on average. Nothing has changed for me employment-wise or financially. Out of paranoia, I pulled my reports from the big 3, and I’m clean. I can’t imagine that they’ve given up on me. Any ideas?

Um…er…I meant for this to be a new topic. I’m off to see if a mod can fix this for me…

Seems to be a bit seasonal. They taper off (not completely) in fall and come roaring back in January and February after Christmas with “Bills to pay off?” come ons etc.

I haven’t noticed any decline in the number of credit card offers, nor viagra offers, nor hot stock tips. There has been a falloff in the number of Nigerian Bank Widows, though.Thank Og for small favors. Oh, and my spam software. of course.

Banks may have been minimizing their exposure while waiting for Greenspan’s replacement announcement.

1- It just might be a random convervence.

2 - someone might have stolen your identity and trashed your credit

(I would suggest choosing #1 if I were you)

In the case of me and my son, I called the 800 number now listed on the bottom of all the forms to cancel those “pre-approved” offers. For years the limit of pretection was 5 years, but now one call works until you intentionally call again and turn them back on.
Since they allowed me to do it for him, I know that there are no checks on this.
Perhaps someone who knows your social number did you a favor?

I think I agree with the OP. I typically used to get 5/week.

Lately, I may be getting 1/week.

I’ve got an excellent credit history, but it’s rather rare for me to get an offer.

Not that I have a problem with my Amazon Visa… :slight_smile:

I get one every couple of weeks. Maybe more, since I rarely open mail that appears to be junk mail. (I’ve been burned by that a time or two…)

I believe it has to do with the new federal rules requiring higher minimum payments on credit cards. The Federal Reserve is trying to control some of the runaway credit to control inflation. Increasing the minimum payments and reducing the amount of available credit that banks can offer is a couple of ways to do this.