I’m not sure how to phrase this question, especially since IANAL, but I’ll just forge ahead and hope you all can figure out what I’m asking.
Are most small crime laws in place as a kind of backup?
For instance, there is a man in jail here on suspicion of sexual assualt and kidnapping (8yo girl, the sick fuck!). He is also a suspect in two other cases in the area. DNA results are forthcoming, but he is due to be arraigned today.
In the event that the DNA results are not ready in time, the police (prosecutor?) have indicated that he will be arraigned for driving a bike while under the influence.
You can read the whole story here: http://www0.mercurycenter.com/premium/local/docs/kidnap02f.htm
Also IIRC, the was some big mobster who, despite a lack of evidence (or witnesses!) on significant crimes, was still convicted on multiple cases of mail fraud (maybe it was tax evasion?), the only thing that could be proven. [sub](I am the queen of the run-on sentence!)[/sub]
In both of these cases, it seems as if “lesser” crimes were used as backup to keep people in jail. One as a delay tactic, one for lack of anything else convictible.
Is this common? Are two people involved in a crime together always charged with conspiracy along with the charges for the actual crime?
Can someone be charged with “Kidnapping” and “Kidnapping across a state line” in the hope that if one charge doesn’t fly, the other might?
Is it rare for a criminal to be charged with only one crime? (ie “Breaking” instead of “B&E, theft, criminal trespassing, etc.”)
I apologize for my lack of knowledge and proper terminology here.