Criminal restitution

A fellow who committed multiple robberies in Pulaski County, Arkansas received six years probation, two months in the county jail, and must make restitution of $2,000 in monthly payments of $60. How does the judicial system reimburse the victims?
Does part of the $60 each month go to the victims? Does the county pay the victims completely and take the $60 as reimbursement to the county?

I’m not in Arkansas; in my state, the offender makes the payments to the county clerk, and the clerk cuts a check to the victim. This ensures accountability and keeps the offender from direct contact with the victim.

The county will not reimburse the victim out of its own funds, it will only pass on what it receives (if anything) from the offender.

Thanks, Shirley.

In Virginia, it can work more or less the way the previous poster described, but we also have this: