Crossbody purse strap snags sweaters. Help?

I have a crossbody purse with a strap that’s just a little bit rough to the touch. Where it crosses my shirt/jacket/sweater in the front, I end up with pilling or roughness or even snags. Any ideas to help this? I’d prefer not to buy a new strap, as this one has a distinctive look that matches the bag.

Here’s the bag, if that matters. Can’t think why it would, but hey, the dope is weird.

Pretty purse. I’d stop in a leatherworking shop and see if they have any ideas. It sounds like it wasn’t properly finished, and for that price point of a purse, I’d sure be annoyed.

replace the strap with something that works. I took a bag to a shoemaker who managed to have the skills to fix it better than it was originally.

I have no help here, I just want to say that “Small Amorous Leather Satchel” is my new favorite name for anything at all. A cat, a computer, anything.


It’s a great bag, but the strap issue is aggravating. A lot of my work shirts now have fuzzy places right in the center of my chest where the strap crosses.

How long have you had it? At that price, I’d go back to Sak’s and see whether the ones they have in stock are rough as well. If not, have them switch it out for you. If they are all rough, talk to a local leather guy about polishing it up.

For some reason the pic of the purse won’t load (probably adblock) so I don’t know if this would work but you could try wrapping the straps with embroidery floss, yarn or even leather cording. Sort of like how people are wrapping ear bud cords like this. Of course you can use whatever style cord or color works best and you don’t have to be too crafty.

Hmm. Maybe that’s worth trying.

Here’s another picture. My bag is black instead of brown:

I’ve also considered seeing if my sister could crochet me a tiny strap cover for the troublesome six inches or so. I’m not really sure that it would work.

paint it with clear nail polish

Your problem is that you bought an amorous satchel, obvs. It’s trying to get all up and personal with you. Next time get the Frigid or maybe the Just Not Into You.

As a result of this thread, I once again looked at the strap to figure out if I could have it polished or use nail polish or SOMETHING.

I think I’ve actually figured out that it’s not the strap itself. It’s the second loop, the one that holds the excess strap down (is there a word for that thing?) that has a sharp edge on it. I never noticed it before and always thought it was the whole strap. So, for now, I’ve turned that loop to face out rather than in. We’ll see if that works! But I’ll definitely keep the other solutions in mind either if that doesn’t work or if it causes some other issue (or just looks weird).

Perhaps a piece of moleskin would work on the loop edge. It comes with adhesive for applying it to your feet.

Moleskin sounds like a good idea.

I arrived to suggest using a Dremel tool to remove the rough edge but you are much better off going to a shoe repair shop and having a professional take care of it for you.