Mccain is so “mehhhh.” He’s ok, I guess. I agree with about 65% of what he talks about.
Obama I agree with about 60% That’s pretty good for me and a Democrat. He’s black, a Democrat, has muslim ties, and comes off like Wayne Palmer from 24. I think he could capitalize on a lot of what Bush did while leaving the heat for it with Bush.
I really don’t have much faith in anybody’s ability to get some big old Socialized healthcare thing through so I’m not threatened by that.
I’m thinking of being a Republican for Obama. This guy might be the real deal. Even if he’s not, he’ll be in a hell of a position to fake it should he get elected.
Well, Muslim ties have gotta be an improvement on Rush Limbaugh’s ties.
Don’t worry, Ron Paul is bound to be nominated for the top spot on the ticket of the Crazier Than A Restroom Rodent Party, and you may find you agree with 85% of what he says.
If Obama sweeps in witha Reagan-like majority and keeps up his popularity through the first couple of serious challenges, he may do well.
If he squeaks by McCain, he is going to be a slightly more charismatic Carter. Most of Carter’s failings had to do with lacking the clout in his own party to make anything happen. How does the old guard feel about a freshman senator giving them marching orders? Can Obama find enough Democrats and rebel Republicans to ensure that his proposals are brought to law? Or is he going to find himself proposing things that Congress simply cannot quite find the time to get around to handling?
(I am not opposing Obama. I am bemused by the number of folks who are joining up because he is a good speaker while I hear far less about his political connections.)
Can Obama find enough Democrats and rebel Republicans to ensure that his proposals are brought to law? Or is he going to find himself proposing things that Congress simply cannot quite find the time to get around to handling?**
Probably the latter.
Well, for me his lack of political connections are a net positive. I’ve been a lot happier these last few years of gridlock.
Perhaps thats because you are listening to the wrong radio station…people in my neck of CT are ablaze with his political connections, lighting them up like christmas trees to get more of the older dems to come to his side. As a campaigner, I dont feel the need to get the younger folks to vote for him, he’s doing a fine job of that on his own. I’m concentrating on the older demographic, ones who prefer someone they already know to a fairly new guy. I’ve showed his 2004 speech to a lot of hardcore repubs and older dems from my lap-top. That just get’s them in the door. When they dig deeper from their nightly retreat into their study with a martini, they find the man has a lot of substance.
Wanna have a tea and chat about him sometime tomndebb?
A recently ex-Republican checking in. What beers do we have silenus?
tomndebb, have you looked at his postions?
Have you viewed his voting record?
There is a lot of substance and never underestimate the powers of a good speaker to motivate a country. Teddy, FDR, Kennedy & Reagan all motivated the country and were all know for their speaking. Jimmy Carter & the Bushes not so much.
Be careful Scylla, you might end up leaving the Republican Party at this rate. Or if you are like me and many others, you might be realizing that it left you.
Hey, chill, he said he is voting for him. No need to go on the offensive. Ties means something different to **Scylla ** than you. Besides, since when is Muslim ties so horrible? He did not say Muslim Terrorists ties.
Yeah, I would think that Muslim ties would be a good thing. Seeing as there is a lot of hostility between the US and the muslim world, A President with a muslim background would have a serious advantage in bridging that gap, healing that rift, and whatnot.
Not to get all nostalgic or anything, or to say you remind me of anyone, but my father said this to me [his 30-something year old youngest son] not too long ago…
I’m leaning toward Obama as well. Certainly if I vote for a a candidate from one of the big two it will be Obama (assuming he gets the nomination). I an not very enthusiastic about either McCain or Clinton at this point…if they are the one’s running I’ll vote 3rd party for sure.
I like McCain, but I don’t like where the rest of the party has gone and I don’t like the fact that McCain will probably appoint more Pro-Life judges. I liked the balance the court had before Bushes appointments. It was neither too lefty nor too righty. I had a genuine affection for Justice O’Conner.