Crossword Clue Game

  1. Lamp accessory
  2. Half a pair of sunglasses?
  3. Underworld spirit

Good one Wheelz! Your turn.

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Next word is CAN.

(I’ve added CAN, BUSINESS, SHADE, AND WHIP to the word list.)

  1. Repeated dance?
  2. Start of the great white north?
  3. -dy for a sweet?
  1. Whoop-ass container
  2. Jail or toilet
  3. Last word of a 2008 motto
  1. Object of kicking in kids’ game.
  2. Place to keep worms in.
  3. 3 letters to confuse ESL students.

Dammit. I wanted to say “dy-ing for a sweet.”

  1. Able to
  2. Preserve produce
  3. Fire a worker
  1. Warhol’s soup container
  2. Often confused with may
  3. Abbrev. neighbor to the north

Going to give it back to @Knowed_Out for

It took a minute to get it, and when I did it made me smile.

Hookay, the new word is BUTTON.

  1. A type of shirt (down), or what one may do to it (up)
  2. Frosty’s nose
  3. The dealer is on it
  1. _____ yer lip!
  2. Oliver the sissy
  3. _____ up your overcoat…
  1. This, this, who’s got this?
  2. “Sit your _____ that chair!”
  3. Fastener needing no tools
  1. With “the,” fabled tiny trigger of a nuclear holocaust.
  2. Push, or panic.
  3. Men’s are right, while women’s are left.
  1. Figure-skating champion Dick

  2. Nuclear launch codes, figuratively

  3. Word appearing twice in a White Stripes title

(Dis)Honorable Mention for this one. :slight_smile:

This one takes the jumbo shrimp award. All yours FastDan1!

Thank you.

Let’s go with BRANCH

  1. First name in 1947 baseball history
  2. The Scranton office of Dunder-Mifflin, for example
  3. Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marines