CSI: Miami on AMC

Ugh, why?

Wow, I had no idea they showed other network’s shows. Further Network Decay, I guess.

It gets viewers. Not a difficult concept.

I guess.

Yes, because my primary concern as a consumer of television programming is whether the networks have achieved a profitable mixture of programs, not whether they’re showing shit I want to watch.

Maybe the M stands for…

/removes sunglasses



It’s not about you. Never has been.

This isn’t a secret: TV networks put on programs in order to increase their profitability. They don’t care if you hate a show, as long as enough people watch it for them to charge the highest possible ad rates.

The purpose of any commercial TV network is to sell advertising. If they could show advertising exclusively, without any actual program content, that would be the ideal situation. But that would keep viewers away, so networks have to come up with the best mix that lets them have the highest ad revenue for the number of viewers.

CSI: Miami was at one time the most popular TV show in the world (not just the US). It makes business sense to show it on AMC because it’s a popular show that will bring in enough viewers to justify their ad rates.

It’s never been about you, and no network cares what you (as an individual) thinks about its programming. It cares about what a large group of viewers want to see. If you don’t like it, well, there are hundreds of thousands of others who do, and they can watch whether you approve of the show or not.

Wow, these are stunning insights. Are you a Hollywood executive or something?

Well, although your 2-word OP did set a pretty high bar, he is actually answering the fucking question it posed.

Only if you’re a boring asshole and take it hyper-literally.

Gentlemen! You can’t fight in here; this is the war room.

Most people think of television shows as a product, and viewers as the customers. That isn’t the proper model, though. The customers of a TV network are its advertisers, and YOU, the viewer (or at least your eyeballs), are the product that they are selling them.

Don’t be a tool, because we will not get tooled again.

No, no…

I’m not sure why CSI Miami exists either, original poster person. I think it gives sunglasses guy (the main detective/execrable actor) something to do.

Warning issued for personal insults. This is also a reminder that you’re not the boss of the thread. If you want a specific type of answer, posting a more detailed OP is a good idea.

Whenever I think of this show, I always feel just a little bad for Kim Delaney. She probably thought she’d hit the jackpot, playing one of the leads of a can’t-miss spinoff like this. But she didn’t fit in all that well and ended up gone after less than a dozen episodes.

This morning, I saw *Royal Pains *on Bravo. I wonder what’s next.

I think I have to take off my sunglasses and think about it.