cubs night game cartoon

I am looking for a cartoon about the cubs’ night games.

When night games came about in 1988 there was a b&w cartoon showing the fans at Wrigley illuminating the field with flashlights. I don’t know whether this first appeared in the Reader, the Trib, Suntimes or DN, but since I cannot find it I am more convinced than ever that I saw it - I really don’t have that good of an imagination so it must exist.

If you know of it please let me know where I can find it.

Are you talking about this?

Not a cartoon but an altered photograph.

Go get some great pizza and while you pay the bill, you’ll notice a 16x20 poster of lights at Wrigley.

Indeed. Scott Mutter was a great photographer, and a pioneer in doing (before the age of Photoshop) the type of photo-manipulation that is commonplace today. Alas, he was taken from this earth before his time, but he was a visionary.