Cultural grievance is not a governing agenda!

When the phrase ‘armed insurrection’ is used, people are thinking guns, not pepper dpray and bats. You bring those to a riot, not to an attempt to overthrow the government.

Jan 6 was a typical situation of a mob that got out of control, just as the riots of the last year sometimes broke out into violence. Trump deserves some blame for riling them up, but it it was a rabble that descended on the Capitol, not a militia with a plan.

A much better case for ‘insurrection’ could be made of the Antifa folks who repeatedly attempt to burn down police stations and courthouses. Those are actual planned attacks, and not just spontaneous outbresks of violence when a mob gets out of control.

But the ‘neener neener’ over my use of ‘weapon’ instead of ‘gun’ gets you a small point, I guess, for my poor word selection. I was clearly talking about firearms when refuting the notion of an ‘armed insurrection’ when no one was charged with a firearms violation. Is that better?