Cunnilingus and Pregnancy

I could swear that Cecil did a column saying that this is a “no no,” but I’ve been unable to find it. So is it unsafe, or is this some sort of UL?

If sex is safe and healthy, why would that be any different?

I recall something about cunnilingus with pregnant women causing a bends-like disorder in them.

Yes, it is potentially dangerous.

The fear is of “air embolism”. Look at the end of this article.

And this, too. :eek:

Let us keep in mind that a single case report doth not an association make.

Yes, avoid blowing air into a vagina, especially one belonging to a pregnant female! Is this a common sexual technique anyway??? I don’t recall air-filled bladders being a problem for guys getting fellatio.

I’m not sure I’d tell my patients to avoid cunnilingus for fear of Strep though (and yes, my current patients should not really be engaging in any sort of sex with anyone, I know!)

Clearly, more research is needed.

Thanks for the interesting links, KarlGauss!

Well now that **Qadgop ** has weighed in, I’ll just add my little anecdotal evidence and point out that my OB actually recommended oral sex as a work-around for the fact that my burgeoning belly made maneuvering an extreme difficulty.

I hit the wrong button, as usual, and meant to add that this is not in any way meant to guarantee the safety of such an act - just what my doctor happened to feel was okay. YMMV.

Cecil did address this, in the second part of the column Is taking a hot bath an effective contraceptive?

The National Lampoon once recommended it, saying you could get the woman to fly around the room like a punctured balloon. :eek:

True story: My wife was laughing over this and we brought up the the point that in real life it could cause an embolism. She nodded and said, “That’s how my brother-in-law killed his dog.”

I was speechless at the image. :eek:

Great, now I have to clean my monitor. :smiley:

Me too! Man, that’s a funny woman you got there.

What about air getting forced into the vagina during intercourse? I’ve never heard of this causing any problems, and it does happen.

Wow–I can’t believe you brought up a reference to a magazine from 32 years ago that I just happened to reread this weekend!

Elderly sex guru Sue Johanssen confirms that cunnilingus is safe for pregnant women, as long as the giver doesn’t purposefully blow air into the genitals of the receiver (it can indeed cause an air embolism). I guess some people like the sensation of air on their nether bits. Same goes for using whipped cream in a can during sex; fine for most places on the body, but stay away from genital openings.

Damn! And I just bought a new bicycle pump!

Only if you have a very naive partner.

I once read a chapter, in a forensic science textbook, on the subject of “Sex-Related Deaths” by a guy named Joseph C. Rupp, who was the coroner in Corpus Christi, TX and who apparently was considered an expert in the field by someone.

In the chapter, Rupp talks about things like autoerotic fatalities and does a good job of destroying his own credibility by ranting about the “unnaturalness” of homosexuality, and tops it off by implying that if you find a dead bachelor in a clean apartment, he was probably killed by his gay lover. Even as an undergraduate, I was really surprised something like this ended up in a textbook.

Anyway, Rupp the expert says there are a lot of pregnant women who die because their lovers blow air into them during cunnilingus, causing an air embolism. He says that most of the women report an intense tickling sensation right before they drop dead.

Bottom line: Be careful eating that pregnant pussy.

Reason for a Brazilian wax #77

Although willing to please, Wilbur suffered nose tickle from Mamie’s muff resulting in:Huh-CHOO :eek:

I’m with Ruken on this question and would really really appreciate some input!

It happens to me occasionally and I can remember of one instance that I had a lot of air “pushed” into me during intercourse, to the point of feeling the pressure and discomfort from it.

Technically it sounds like a woman could suffer an air embolism though intercourse. Honestly, this is kinda freaking me out a little! Although during or right after sex is one of the best ways to go, I would like to avoid dying prematurely if possible especially in such a “silly” way.

Are there any reported cases of women dying from an air embolism caused by intercourse?
