Currently doing an actor/musician production of 'Man of La Mancha'

Like the topic says, I’m doing an actor/muso production of ‘Man of La Mancha’ - we’ve still got another 19 shows to do, including tonight’s. I’m playing The Governor/The Innkeeper, and I’m playing classical guitar, steel-string guitar, and euphonium. (I played tuba 40 years ago, and a bit of euph every now and then, but it has been a real trip coming back to the low brass section!)

I’m totally sold on the actor/musician aesthetic! (In other words, productions where all of the instruments are played by the actors playing the roles.) I’m in love with the results, where all of the music is now played with the same commitment and motivation that is applied to the text.

I’d be the first to admit that it’s a lot more work - for one thing, one is obliged to memorize the instrumental parts along with all the other aspects of the show. However, it leads to the lines, the staging, the choreography, and the action all being integrated with the music.

For me, it ties in with my love of self-accompaniment - something magical happens when all the sound on stage is coming from the same person. And there exists the possibility of coordinating rhythms and dynamics in a way that just cannot be done by a duo, or a larger ensemble. Just check out Rachel Fenlon if you don’t believe me.

It also feeds right into my love of being a multi-instrumentalist.

And one last thing to say about our show - it’s fantastic being surrounded by such dedicated people, and it’s especially fantastic to once again be led by an outstanding woman as musical director. Throughout my life, I’ve had the good fortune to be directed, taught, and inspired by talented women.

I am a very fortunate person!

Cool! I saw Man of La Mancha in January 1968 before it moved to Broadway. I don’t know why it doesn’t get revived more often. Congrats on being in a great show. Break a leg!

This is the third time I’ve done it. Persephone Theatre, Saskatoon, SK 1983, I was the horse (front). Stirling Festival Theatre, Stirling, ON, 2008, I was Cerevantes/Don Q./Alonso Quijana. And I’m really hoping this production has legs for other places!

Heyyy!!! Good to see you Votre Excellence, how ya been? When’s your next album out?

Definitely let us know if/when you go on tour!

Well, funny you should ask…

I’m hoping to release “Old Enough to Know Better”, an album of 8 of my original songs, on Feb. 17, 2023. And, of course, I’ll keep everyone posted!

Touring will be, uhh, interesting, as I don’t know whether I’ll be in Toronto or NYC by March of next year, but that’s a tale for another time. I’ve got to go warm up for a two-show day…

Good to hear from you, Kimstu!!