Curse the sun, curse my family's skin

Dammit, you beat me to it! :smiley:

Is this thread some kind or weird viral campaign for Always Sunny in Philadelphia?

I tan well. Reeeeeealy well. As in, when I lived in the Middle East as a child it took two years for the tan lines to fade. As in, I tan in hot air. It’s too late for the damage from the past, but now I use sun block on exposed skin. Both of my children are beyond white, they are definitely “persons of pallor” (don’t remember who posted that but thanks!) anyway, I persuaded them that tanning was futile and to embrace their fairness. both my mom and my sister have had skin cancer, and I won’t be surprised when the dermatologist announces it to me someday.

OP, it my not be fun to wear sunscreen and long sleeves, but them’s the breaks in life.

You got tan lines as a child in the Middle East?

Did Liam Neeson have to rescue you?

Sig line!

The clothing rules weren’t quite so strict in Saudi Arabia then, I think. The rules didn’t apply so much to prepubescent girls, either. We lived in a walled compound of only Americans (and a smattering of British people.) I wore a two piece bathing suit when we went to the Red Sea on weekends. So yeah, I had tan lines!