I guess the title of this thread is pretty self-explanatory. Still, what the hell’s a “blue steak”? I know you might curse one if, say, you dropped an bowling ball on your own face, but I don’t know the phrase origin. Help me out.
I guess the title of this thread is pretty self-explanatory. Still, what the hell’s a “blue steak”? I know you might curse one if, say, you dropped an bowling ball on your own face, but I don’t know the phrase origin. Help me out.
I think it is somehow a reference to blue electrical sparks. B-zap-zap-zap!
Blue, as an adjective, means among other things being risque or indecent.
A streak is sometimes described as a quality of a person’s character (think: yellow streak or streak of decency.)
Cursing up a blue streak is to call up your indecent nature.
Got that shit, ya mutha?
Alternately, a streak is also equated with speed (think: streakers or a streak of lightning) so a blue streak might also mean indecencies and vulgarities spoken very quickly. If I dropped a bowling ball were dropped on my own face, I imagine that would do the trick…
… on the other hand, how the heck do you drop a bowling ball on your own face?
Laws against profanity were originally printed on blue paper (so people would know where to look for the “good stuff”?), and were dubbed “the blue laws.” This use extended to other objects considered risque.
But why did they use blue paper instead of some other color? Coincidence? Any connection between “blue” meaning obscene and “blue balls” (actually a bruised color) or “sacre bleu”?
According to Snopes, there’s no evidence for the blue paper theory.
They’re not infallible of course, but if there is any good evidence, I’d be interested in seeing it.
Well…you could be putting it away on a high shelf and have it roll back and fall on you. I’m pretty sure Fred Flintstone did this several times.
People have covered the “blue” part. I think the streak part refers to the idea that it’s not just a single curse, but a long string or “streak” of them.
From William Morris at Word Dectective:
You need to meet Leo.
I’ve heard people ask for their steaks to be cooked “blue-rare.” I always assumed it was just a smidge more cooked than “blood-rare.”
:eek: Oh…typo? Sorry.
I think the “Blue Streak” is the blue flame that imaginary comes out of ones mouth when cussing. Blue=Hot. As in blue is hotter than red.