Cutting children's hair. Help!

It’s time for lieu lieu’s first clipping but I’ve got no idea how to go about it. I’ve watched 'em cut mine for years but have never attempted to trim someone else’s.

Are there some general guidelines to follow regarding:

  • where you’re suppossed to leave it long and where to shorten?
  • overall proportions?
  • how to treat curls?

For the record, she’s one year old with a head full of pretty, brown hair that’s got big, soft curls to it. Her birthday party’s comming up and I want her to look nice but not manicured.

Any suggestions or links?

Many thanks in advance!

No disrespect intended, but please take her to a professional. Especially for this one.

I’m afraid I agree.
For a special occasion, especially. If you make a mistake on baby hair, it takes FOREVER to grow out. It’s just a couple of bucks, and you can probably get a discount if she just needs some “cleaning up”.

I have said it before and I’ll say it again: FLOWBEE!! :slight_smile:

Maybe you’re right.

At her age they just won’t sit still for you. Because of that, her only trimming to date was when she fell asleep in her highchair after supper. I was able to lightly clip some of the longer strands from one side but the other was against the cushion and I couldn’t get to it. That was 3 months ago and I’m still trying to get to it.

It’s settled. Baby get’s a barber. :slight_smile:

Well, yeah, a One is far too wiggly to try to use sharp pointy scissors on. A single accidental stab and she’ll be “off” haircuts until she’s about seven years old. But she doesn’t really need a ten dollar trip to a barber. My recommendation is that you get a pair of blunt kindergarten-type scissors (those cute little Fiskars ones with the plastic handles are sharp enough without being pointy) and just snip off the part that’s in her eyes (make some teeny little bangs). Cover her eyes with your other hand while you snip here and there, making bangs (Hint: play peekaboo). Trim the length overall to be about chin to shoulder length, just a blunt cut all the way around. Slow and steady works well, a “snip” here and a “snip” there.

Then you’ve got about a year or so in which to do some research.

The best book I’ve ever seen on how to cut kids’ hair was a slim 1980s paperback called How to Cut Kids’ Hair by Nancy Hughes Clark, which is unfortunately now out of print. It served me and the Little Gooses well for many years.

But I see that in the last 20 years, the market for cutting your own kids’ hair has evidently picked up. has a sizeable selection under “how cut hair”. Check them out of the public library first if possible to see if they’re any good. What you want are diagrams, not photos, and lots of 'em.

******* Hair alert!

Don’t forget to save a few of those beautiful curls!

Just lay them against a piece of scotch tape.
Then tie with a ribbon.
You will be soooo glad you did… :slight_smile: