Cutting People off, sound Bites

I just watched a nice, but short debate about the latest execution in Texas (on Fox, but all networks are guilty of this)

They had two guys on, who were both making good points. Then the host said Thank you, we are outta time, adios. (cutting off the discussion in midstream)

They had about 30 seconds each! What the fuck?
If you are going to have people on, at least give a few fucking minutes for them to make their points, or don’t have them on at all! This irritates the shit out of me.

Yes, I know, they had to “go to commercial”, fuck that.

When I watch ‘Hannity and Colmes’ (sp) on cable, I almost blow a fuse every time. The one guy is liberal, the other, conservative. So the get 2 guests to come on their show to discuss the issue of the day and take turns cutting them off and not letting them finish a fucking sentence!