Dallas TX to Dallas GA

This is called “The Dallas to Dallas Ride for Wet Noses” and I am doing this solo bicycle ride to benefir the Humane Societies and overcrowded animal shelters across our nations.

My website is here: www.d2d4wetnoses.com

I am not looking for anyone to give me money. I am just trying to get the word out.

So I am asking if this would be okay to mention?

If not, I fully understand.

Thank you


We are usually receptive to such requests, but the best approach is to ask in email, since posting to ask permission means, in fact, that you’ve posted the link you wanted. :wink:

In any case, I’m giving you an OK to post this in MPSIMS, with link, for those who want to make contributions. You probably should mention my permission.

For everyone else: we do NOT generally allow all sorts of random solicitations for favorite charities, we’d be overrun. We do make exceptions when a member is very actively engaged (such as this bike ride) and asks permission in advance.

Thank you. I made a couple of spelling errors in that post. The word benefit is misspelled and the “s” needs to come off the word “nations”.

I can no longer edit that post, but I did want to let y’all know I’m not a complete moron! :slight_smile:

Thanks once again for the permission! The “Ride” is designed mostly to spread the word about “Spay, Neuter and Adopt”, but if anyone would like to make a contribution to any of the shelters I will be visiting or the one in your area, that would be great. I’ll be writing more as we get closer to the date.