Dammit!! If ya' don't want me starring at your boobs; don't put glitter on them!!

You know, it slipped my mind with my first post. Now, I feel it incumbent that I must protest the lack of pictures in this thread. Purely for factual evidence, of course. . .

Seriously. It’s purely for evidentiary value.

Here you go!

That’s just…wrong! :eek:

Hey SHAKES, what was her tone? I mean was it kind of “Hey SHAKES, my eyes are up here (you goofball girlish giggle)” or was it "Hey SHAKES, my eyes are up here (you fucking asshole lasers from eyes)?

Reminds me of a story my high school boyfriend told me. He was talking to another girl in the hallway, and she was well-endowed and wearing a shirt with lots of writing across the chest. He was trying to read what it said, and she got insulted because he was staring at her boobs. :smack:

I seem to’ve been born without the ability to notice when someone’s staring at my boobs. Maybe I just don’t make eye contact enough - maintaining contstant eye contact feels like a threatening gesture to me, but if I don’t keep looking at their eyes, how can I tell when they stray? So go ahead guys, stare all you want, I’m completely oblivious.

Oog. You, ah, I hope you’re getting that taken care of. Oog.

I am sorry, but this strikes me as one of those “I am woman, hear me roar” sophomore in college and just discovering my Yoni power arguments. Are we seriously equating men looking at tits that have obviously been put on display with rape? WTF?

No one is trying to force women (should I say womyn?) to wear “approved” clothing. We are just saying that men like to look at tits and if you put them out there we are going to look at them. Really, it is a logical consequence of how you choose to display them. Sorry.

340lb? In that case I’m probably oblivious to whether or not you have boobs. Feel happier? :stuck_out_tongue:

No, just get something that fits the figure you’ve got, not the one you wish you had. :stuck_out_tongue: [sup]3[/sup]

I second, or third this. This is what it comes down to, really.

Well… yeah! Stands to reason…

I mean, you can find tip jars everywhere, but…


What about provocatively-dressed women in a place like South Beach, Miami? I saw a gal walk off the beach dressed in a microbikini. There was literally nothing abu a few strings and postage stamps.
Its just not possible to ignore something like that.

This thread reminds me of a monologue on Chapelle’s show.

[Dave Chapelle]

Girls dress up all sexy and then when you say so, they get all offended. “Well, ex-cuse me! Just because I am dressed this way does not make me a whore!”

And you’re right; it doesn’t. But ladies, you gotta understand, that it’s damn confusing! That’s like if I dressed up like a cop and stood on the sidewalk.

"Oh, thank God you’re here, officer. We need your help, just - "

“Well, ex-cuse me! Just because I am dressed this way does not make me a police officer!”

[/Dave Chapelle]

Well, if I have my bank book open with the grand total written in HUGE RED NUMBERS and glued to my forehead, it’d be a little pissy of me to claim a violation of privacy because someone couldn’t keep from repeatedly looking at it! :slight_smile:

IOW, it’s not having breasts attractively clothed that causes the problem–it’s putting them on intentional and obvious display and then complaining that no one notices that you even have eyes, much less what color they are. If a guy were to walk into a bar with jeans so tight that he bulged and had a red ribbon pinned to the bulge, I’d be unable to keep from staring, and he’d be a real turd to say, “Hey, girl! My eyes are up HERE, you know!”

But how is that any different than stuffing you full of roofies and viagra and rafing you?

The classic Non Sequitur cartoon, captioned “Why men will never understand women,” a featuring a woman at the plastic surgean’s, saying “I want them big enough that I can yell at men for looking at them.” :smiley:

Man, I hate getting rafed. Every time I go out clubbing these days, some British guy slips something into my drink, and next thing I know I’m in the Royal Air Force. Those Brits must be really short of pilots.

I saw a woman on the street the other day that had a t-shirt that seeme to read:


I, of course, had to stare at her for a minute to figure out what she was trying to say.

If I go out wearing something low-cut, I would certainly expect to be checked out. (I hope I would!) But if I guy *only *stares at my chest, that is going to affect what I think of him. Probably not “Asshole!” but I’m probably not going to be planning to spend the rest of my life with him either.

That’s really what it comes down to for me: if I don’t like how a guy is looking at me, I always have the option of walking away. No, the bartender really can’t, but in most cases it’s your choice whether to continue a conversation with a guy who’s staring. You may end up with no one left to talk to at a party or at the bar, but it’s your perogative, both to wear “slutty” clothes and to walk away from anyone who doesn’t treat you the way you want to be treated. No reason to call him a jerk. Just end the conversation. Why is that so hard?

Was she saying 'My eyes are up here" in friendly jest, or was she really annoyed?

She must have known her clothing was designed to cause attention, and there is nothing wrong with that at all.

If she was jesting, I would reply 'I know, but your boobs are down there and they are sparkaling at me" with a big cheeky smile, followed by a stronger attempt to look her in the eye whilst talking.

If she was annoyed, I might say nothing, blame her mood on a bad day at work, and try not to stare again.

Indeed, Tarin must be Stopped!