Damn grammar Nazi. TEAL

You don’t like the spelling on a National Historic Landmark, well live with it, don’t deface it. I wish they’d been banned permanently from national parks. If you don’t own it, it’s illegal to change it.


Not always, but in this case it certainly is. BTW, what does the ‘TEAL’ in your title mean?

The definition is in the link:

I did read the article, but I missed that. Damn them!

These assholes needs to have their thumbs cut off. Then deport them.


  • Forestall Uncivil Corrective Kooks

May we assume you’re engaging in hyperbole for dramatic effect, or have you joined me in the ranks of overly-melodramatic villains?

Nope, I’m not exaggerating. Much. I really, really hate vandals. A few salutary public floggings would do a lot to stop such behavior.

As much as I dislike typos on signs, I loathe zealots.

It was a frickin’ 60 year old sign! It’s not like they were adding an apostrophe to “Mens Room.”

I’d like to see vandals sentenced to maintain what they vandalized for a year in addition to paying for the original restoration if they can’t do the repairs themselves. Vandals that don’t do the maintenance can spend the time in jail.

The outlaw in me confesses to a tiny bit of empathy for them. I agree, it was inappropriate to deface a hand-painted sign with historic value. (Or I guess it had historic value - if nothing else, it proves that illiteracy is not a new phenomenon.)

But if they’d limited their activities to typos on ordinary, easily fixed signs, wouldn’t you feel that their activities were more justifiable?

I’m also a bit surprised to learn it will cost over $3,000 to remove some white-out and magic marker, then (one presumes) retouch the yellow paint. The supplies for that can’t possibly cost much, so most of that expense must be for labor. Methinks some restoration specialist will consider this a financial windfall.

Am I the only one who thinks its not so bad to correct grammatical mistakes on public signs?


I was trying to work out what Grammar Nazis could possibly have against Tasman Empire Airways Limited, and here I am seeing that someone has usurped their fine name in favour of something that doesn’t involve Flying Boats… :stuck_out_tongue:

But this was an historic and irreplaceable sign. I think it’s rather rude and presumptuous to do such a thing even if it’s not historical.

Historic? It was 60 years old, and placed there as a piece of art, not as a functioning sign. If this was a trail marker from the Pony Express, I could see the outrage. The guys corrected a sign that was placed in living memory of plenty of Americans, and that was an outdoor art object, not an artifact to be preserved.

I mean, yeah, they broke the law. They’re being punished for it. Good stuff. But I really don’t see getting outraged by it.

And I really hope they swing by some of the shops around campus here… there’re a lot of apostrophe-work to be done. :wink:

I am very surprised by TEAL’s actions. I have seen their web site and from what I remember they always ask permission before changing a sign, and they always seemed to be polite in their explanations of why they wanted to do it (ignorance fighting, not making fun of people with bad punctuation). Defacing public property doesn’t seem their style.

Am I missing something, or does the article not actually tell you what the sign said?

This whole thing reads like an Onion article.

Along with some bad punctuation, it said “emense” instead of “immense.”

And in his defense, that is a huge mistake…

Anyway – I don’t know whether to be amused that an organization (however small) such as TEAL exists in a way that isn’t intended to be ironic, or horrified that they’re so blindly committed to their cause that they’ll correct any typo they see, even ones found on historic sites.