I started to do this in IMHO as an opinion poll but there are way too many options to cover them all and with the subject matter if it gets any traction it will probably end up here anyway.
The story for those who aren’t familiar:
Dan Savage, writer and gay activist and originator of the “It Gets Better” meme, appeared at the National High School Journalist Conference in Seattle this weekend. His topic was school bullying, something most high school journalists should probably have an opinion about.
During his talk (video) he brought up the religious basis of homophobia. He did so rather undiplomatically:
He went on to discuss the Bible being used to justify slavery and the commandment that a non-virgin bride may be stoned to death and other barbarism the Bible endorsed and how it is ignored now.
The predictable shitstorm began before he was even finished speaking. Several students (as seen in the video above) got up and walked out of the assembly, presumably from being offended. Of them, Savage said, from the podium,
a comment that, it should be noted, got huge applause.
And of course the right wing started chest thumping and masturbating immediately, all the usual suspects on how persecuted all the Christians are by the big mean homo. You can google for more about Savage and more about the incident and more about the backlash.
So, my opinions are very conflicted:
On the one hand I think Savage was unnecessarily rude and deliberately offensive (i.e. I think he enjoyed offending, it wasn’t just to prove a point) and that the comment about people being pansy-assed presupposes that those who walked out are the same ones who favor or participate in bullying gays with the Bible as justification, which there’s no way of knowing.
OTOH, I agree with pretty much everything he said, and then some, and not so secretly sometimes wish I had the guts to be that deliberately offensive to large groups of the unexamined believers. I have come to absolutely detest cafeteria plan Christians and others who use scriptures to justify their bigotry, especially when it’s clear so many haven’t even read the thing they claim to base their life on.
On the other-other-hand, these are high school kids. Pick on somebody your own size, Dan; I’d have FAR less trouble if you’d said that at COLLEGE Journalist association even.
On the fourth hand, even from high schoolers you expect a certain amount of maturity and from those who are interested enough in journalism to go to a national convention you expect at least some nascent professionalism. If you’re really interested in journalism you are going to HAVE to be objective at things that personally offend you; you’re going to have to deal with people who believe in terrorism and torture and racism and every other thing you are hopefully against, and not just Fox News but the REALLY hardcore kind. If I were their faculty sponsor I’d have flunked everybody who walked out; I’d have done the same thing if they’d walked out of an Aryan Nations spokesman’s speech.
On the fifth hand…
Well, I’ll just ask, what do you think?