Dang, is everything Van Morrison does just plain magic?

I just saw the video of Van Morrison’s performance of “Sweet Thing” on Jimmy Fallon’s show earlier this month. So far as I can tell, he completely garbled the lyrics … mumbled half of them and sang the rest out of order … And as far as I can tell, he’s just barely playing the guitar … just switching between a couple of simple chords … But every damn sound that comes out of his body is just plain gold. It’s gold, I tell ya!

He looks old and decrepit and he’s hidden behind multiple layers of fedoras and giant sunglasses.

I fully expect him not to be with us for much longer. But he ain’t dying. He’s just going to flash away like a beam of sunlight through the leaves of a tree.

I just ordered the live version of Astral Weeks from Amazon. I’m going to have to find a day when I don’t have to talk to anyone or do anything for anyone in order to listen to it. Hm. Wonder if I can persuade my wife to spend $3,000 to visit her mother just so I can listed to a record by myself.

Did you see him last week on CBS Sunday Morning? It was interesting to get his perspective on many of his songs, Brown Eyed Girl for example.

My last girlfriend *hated *Van Morrison. One of the many reasons we are no longer together… :_

As someone who is passionate about the music of Van Morrison (travelled extensively to see his live performances over the past 18 years) I can say that Vans live shows have become even MORE “hit or miss” in the past 10 years or so… (Van is famous for his concerts either being soul wrenching, epic masterpieces or laughable self parodies that are actually uncomfortable to watch)

A lot has to do with his backing band, which was always top notch, but in early 2000 was swiched up completely to a band ill suited for the position. The shows became lackluster, and Van was clearly just going thru the motions.

It was so bad that I actually had decided to stop seeing Van live for a while, at least until he seemed to reconnect with whatever it was that was missing in his muse. Then came the Hollywood Bowl “Astral Weeks” shows…

Not to over-sell it, but the two nights at the Hollywood Bowl were among the two finest nights of improvisional live music that I have ever heard from any musician of any musical style . Vans connection to the songs was crystal clear, his band was intuitive, playing in perfect sync with his scat-style growls and moans. The intensity was palpable and it was a joy to behold!!! Van Morrison had never sounded more vital and alive; I will remember those two nights forever…

I know that when you get the chance to hear the album, you will be amazed at how easy it is to get lost in the slipstream.

For me, my St. Patricks Day will be filled with the music of Irelands Finest, Belfast’s Own Van Morrison.