Dao tries the college thing yet again.

AAAARGH hamsters! Thou art no match for Ctrl+C!! Hahahahahaaaa!!!

When we left our heroine, she was transferring colleges after a rather disappointing freshman year. She was seriously considering dropping out of college after this year, and then she got the letter that said she had 1/2 of an English degree and was going to be admitted as a junior. Our heroine decided that was pretty cool and she would work hard to get out of college in two years… and do something or other after that.

…And now I’ve got six boxes of stuff to ship off, so I can pick it up from the mail room in the basement of my new building when I move in. All my junk’s getting packed up again.

I met my roommate today. She was from the next town over. She’s my age, and she’s transferring from a college she didn’t like. What are the odds of that?

(Please reassure me that just because my freshman year roommate and I didn’t get along, it doesn’t mean that I’m incapable of being lived with and should just go haunt the abandoned wing of a library for the rest of my life. …Right?)

I applied to my new college without sitting in a lecture, without taking a campus tour, without looking at its statistics, without speaking to anyone who went there - all things I never would have dreamed of doing back when I was a nervous high school junior faced with Determining the Course of My Life. Either I’m getting more impulsive, or I’m realizing that choices are never as set in stone as I thought.

Well, I have 10 days left. I’m planning on not living in my hometown again after this. We’ll see what happens.

Any words of wisdom?

Congrats! I’m glad you’re going to a college where you will (hopefully) feel better. Hey, I applied to all of my colleges without sitting in lectures, taking campus tours, or speaking to alumni. I am going to the one I applied just by chance!

I originally only applied to one college, though I eventually ended up attending four.

I’d say that in general, it doesn’t matter a lot where you go to college. This is in terms of job prospects afterward, I mean. Ivy League schools make a big difference, but other than those (and a few notable exceptions), simply having a degree is what counts. I’ve got a master’s degree I don’t use one single bit in my job, but I probably wouldn’t have gotten the job without the degree.

I’m sure you can find someone that you can live with (or that can live with you). I had several roomies in college and one after, and some worked out well, and some were wretched.

Some roommates ya get along with, some ya don’t. With luck you and the new one will be friends. With luck but less of it, you’ll at least be able to stand each other. And with no luck at all, well, you can always find someone else.

Will you be living in a dorm or an apartment?

UW-Madison is a good school, and Madison is a pretty decent town. I hope you’ll be happy there. Good luck to you!

I also had to wrest a post from the hamsters via ctrl-c

Well, I’ll be heading to Madison in just under two weeks to finish up my supersenior year.

Enjoy the Memorial Terrace while the weather is warm. If you’re old enough and like the taste, there’s nothing like downing some beers as you sit outside and watch the sun set.

Also, take some time to enjoy the city of Madison. Maybe I’m biased, because I’m also from there, but I always thought it was sad when I met students who confined themselves to the campus and downtown. Even if you don’t have a car, take advantage of the free bus pass ASM offers and go see the town.

Feel free to email me (it’s in my profile) if you have any questions.


Lamia - I’m in private housing. Two single rooms divided by shared bathroom and kitchen facilities. If any of you remember my old dorm, I’m overcompensating for having to live there.

easy e - that’s cool, I may be a supersenior at some point myself. I like the town, it’s one of the reasons I applied there, but haven’t been beyond the campus and downtown yet. What’s there to see and do outside the campus and downtown?

Is that the transfer house on Gilman? I had a friend who lived there for a year.