Dapper Doper Dudes, I have a few suit questions.

  1. How many suits do you own?
  2. How old are you?
  3. Where do you regularly shop for your suits?
  4. What’s the deal with the Men’s Wearhouse?

I’m actually interested in the fourth question but I realized your opinion on the Men’s Wearhouse would be almost meaningless without knowing the other three pieces of information.

Mr. Tech buys his suits from one of five places: Nordstrom, Loehmann’s, Jos. A. Banks (on sale), Firma Menswear or Brooks Brothers (again, on sale). He was wondering about the quality of the suits at the Men’s Wearhouse.

Mr. Tech: Does anyone in your office shop at the Men’s Wearhouse?
Me: I have no clue.
Mr. Tech: Maybe we should go this weekend and check them out.
Me: A gentleman’s haberdasher shouldn’t have the word wearhouse in its name.
Mr. Tech. Did you just say haberdasher?

Thanks in advance for your answers, men.

Ooh, I’m interested too. KrustyKlown (with whom I recently had an argument about the word haberdasher and he was WRONG) just bought some new suits, shirts and ties (Jos. A Bank on sale – they’re his “everyday” suits – Marshall Field’s, and Brooks Brothers for the shirts) and dropped a LOT of dough, so if he can get similar quality suits for less, he’d be all over it.

  1. I have about a dozen suits.
  2. I’m 39 years old.
  3. I regularly shop at a Brooks Bros. outlet, but have purchased a few at Jefferson Clothing, which is no longer in business here in Richmond.
  4. I’ve been to Men’s Wearhouse and didn’t like the selection. Never having bought a suit from there I can’t speak to the quality, but I’ve always been of the mind that you should spend a little more on your suits, buy 100% worsted, and go with a salesman that you can develop a good relationship with. The salesman at Brooks Bros. calls me well in advance of sales, knows me by name and measurement, and knows what my style is. I’ve never seen the same guy working at Men’s Wearhouse.

Ok…let me be careful what I say (I just feel like caution is the way to go here…I may not work for this place anymore, but they did right by me).
I used to work for an apparel manufacturer. One of the main lines was men’s suits, fairly big name men’s suits.

One of our customer’s was MW. Generally, they received first quality name brand suits, the same as other retailers would receive. The difference sometimes was that these might have been returned by another retailer because they didn’t sell, so they may have been a season behind. Sometimes, though, they were the same styles that were in the stores right then. I also don’t know about MW’s quality standards as far as flaws, so I’m not sure how likely it is that seconds would make it into the store.

Chances are that MW has additional suit suppliers - that I don’t know, and I don’t know whether the same deal applies for them.

customers, not customer’s. I do know how to use the apostrophe.

  1. 10 (if you also count sportcoats)

  2. 40

  3. Stores at the malls. And a real nice high end consignment store just down the way.

  4. I will never buy at MW because I met that guy (some years ago) and he’s an ass.

  1. Five (plus several sportcoats), but feel I could use a few more.

  2. 33

  3. Stores at malls plus a nice consignment store.

  4. We don’t have MW where I come from.

  1. Three
  2. 30
  3. Men’s Wearhouse is usually my first stop
  4. I’ve had good luck there – the salespeople seem knowledgeable and helpful and the suits I’ve gotten there, I really like. (I will add a disclaimer that I’ve not shopped at Brooks Brothers or Jos. A. Bank, so I can’t give a comparison between MW and those places.)
  1. 6
  2. 22
  3. Syms, Nordstrom, Loehmann’s, outlet stores
  4. If you have one near you, K&G Mensmart is a terrific discount store and much better than MW in my opinion.
  1. I have two pieces of suit which go together but were not bought as a suit. Does that count? I’ve never worn it outside the store and now it’s too big for me.

  2. Old enough that I should probably own a proper suit.

  3. Bought these pieces at a big and tall shop, if I decide to buy an actual suit MW is probably where I’ll go since I wouldn’t want to spend actual money on it.

  4. They seem OK, but watch out for snakes! Oh wait, that’s Burlington Coat Factory.

Thanks for the replies thus far. I’ve heard good things about K&G so I’ll give them a whirl, too.

  1. 15

  2. 26

  3. Brooks Brothers, Nordstrom, Marshall Fields, EBay, and one wonderful custom made in Hong Kong.

  4. I personally hate the MW, I don’t care for the selections they have and I can find better deals watching the sales than I can just schlepping over to the MW. However, I did buy my tux there, and have no complaints

Don’t get your hopes up over K&G unless Mr. Tech has a job as an anchor on ESPN or favors bright light blue three piece suits with a six button front and pegged pants. They are however a great place to nab shoes and belts and the like.

PS- More power to Mr. Tech if he does favor those crazy suits. I’ve always wanted to wear one to a job interview I didn’t care about…

I hate those commercials. Hate hate hate. I hate that smarmy-ass guy with the fake artsy lighting and him looking off camera as he talks about his crappy store. Does he think he’s on MTV or something? Sheesh.

Excuse me Ryan, but I happen to have a fine double breasted, pin stripe suit I got at a K&G that I’ve yet to see make an appearance on Sports Center.

Ryan, Mr. Tech does not, it turns out, have a job as an anchor on ESPN (I wasn’t sure so I asked him). Shopping for belts and shoes at K&G sounds like a plan.

The Men’s Wearhouse commercials are cheesy and that guy is smarmy. I think I’ll tell Mr. Tech the MW guy is a Cowboys fan. That’ll keep him out of the store.

  1. over a dozen
  2. 43
  3. Brooks Brothers, Nordstroms, Ralph Lauren, Armani
  4. There is no deal with Men’s Wearhouse. They are used strictly when you need to be at a meeting and your luggage was lost or stolen, meaning you need something right away…Err… Scratch that, they should never be used. There stuff is factory second, last years bunk…

Then again if you are on a budget, they are a very good deal.

Oh I love coming full circle with myself. :slight_smile:

Err…I’m 34 not 43…Dyslexia happens a lot when you have sausages for fingers. :wink:

No offense meant there cainxinth,

Yes, K&G can on the occaison cough up a decent looking men’s suit, but would you say that their usual stock does run towards the “Unacceptable for business” end of the fashion spectrum?

I have about 5 suits.
I’m not a big fan of MW. I don’t wear a suit every day so the ones I DO buy are of better quality. I’ve never seen anything at MW that compares to a good Brooks Brothers suit.