database error

I saw this when browsing around. That’s a new one for me:

It happens occasionally. I just got it too, but it’s cleared up now.

We have been experiencing occasional database issues for a couple of months now. They tend to be sporadic and relatively short-lasting.

Our admin is aware of the issue and she has been in touch with the server folks. I’ll make sure that she sees these latest reports.

I’ll make sure TPTB know about this too. (Thought dammit, on a late Friday afternoon … )

your humble TubaDiva

I’m now getting 502 and 504 errors. Could be my connection.

Management looked at the system yesterday afternoon and did not find any problems.

Apparently it was an isolated hiccup or some sort.

Haven’t seen anything since and not seeing anything now.

For anyone that might have been inconvenienced, our apologies.

your humble TubaDiva