Dateline NBC makes me pro-pedophilia

Meh. I think the last Dateline I watched was called something like Kelly’s Ordeal.

It was about some teenage girl who was allegedly raped at a party and couldn’t get justice – except, as you watched the program, it became abundantly clear why nobody was rotting in jail – she had zero credibility.

She’d lied about where she was going that night to her parents, who’d gone and picked her up in the small hours when they found out what she was up to. She wasn’t traumatized beyond being caught out whooping it up. The mother heard through the grapevine in the coming weeks that the school gossip was that she had been seen having sex with two different boys. The daughter denied that anything had happened, until the mother suggested that maybe she was raped. “Ooh, okay, I’ll take door number two, Monty.” So, off to the police station to report the crime. The boys said it was consensual, the girl’s own story had her going willingly with them (separately) to a parked car to have sex, and witnesses described seeing her on top.

(One boy admitted having sex with her again later, after she’d passed out, and he was charged with that, as well he should have been. He pled guilty.)

But still the family was after getting both boys charged as adults with rape, and crossed jurisdictions. Never got anywhere (for the obvious reason that no prosecutor in their right mind would advance this ridiculous case.)

The best part came when they reported, without irony, that the ordeal confused the girl so much that she’d (falsely) accused her parents of physical abuse so that she could be emancipated.

The whole thing was fascinating and infuriating. There was so obviously no story there at all, and yet they filled up the entire program block with it. Argh.

Rape is, (I hope I’m not overstating this,) not very nice. I think it does a real disservice to rape survivors to present something that someone with all the discernment of a lobotomized War At Home fan could spot as an obvious fabrication at a hundred paces as some terrible miscarriage of justice. Don’t show us a transparent liar and call her a “rape victim.” Jesus.

Sorry for the hijack.

I just really hate Dateline. It’s so sensationalist and angrymaking.

Moving thread from IMHO to Cafe Society.

I’m sure that if they happen to read this, we’ll see exactly that next episode.

My favorite instance of the cops hamming it up was when they had that teacher/track coach guy who had started to sound like he wasn’t sure about going through with it and was leaning toward backing out, so they had their 19-year-old actress who was pretending to be 14 call him on the phone and start begging him in her cute, sweet, 14-year-old girl voice to come (I’m sorry, but how is that not entrapment?) They showed her saying to the Dateline people “So, I was like, are you going to call if you’re going to come or if you’re not going to come, and he was like, I’ll call either way.” Then they cut to a cop saying into a phone “uh-huh, I’m familiar with that technique.” (He might have used the word “method” or “tactic” or something else similar, I can’t remember.) Right, what technique is that? The infamous criminal mastermind technique of being a somewhat clueless, pathetic guy who’s tempted to commit a crime but isn’t sure whether he should go through with it because it’s dangerous and part of him knows it’s wrong? :rolleyes:

I’ve always hated Dateline but after reading this thread, I just might have to start watching it.

I never used to watch Dateline. It’s not that I hated the show or anything, it just didn’t interest me and there was always something else on I’d rather watch. Then they started doing the on-line predator stuff and I had to check it out, based on some of the other threads hereabout.

I couldn’t in good conscience recommend watching the show on a regular basis. It’s like 60 Minutes, Oprah, and Jerry Springer somehow conceived a bastard child together.


[QUOTE=Spectre of Pithecanthropus]

And now

Number 1

The Larch

Ooh, did somebody say cats?

Wait a minute…are you people saying that the city PD is paying a man to wear a tree costume and a gun at the same time??? And that a real cop is going on NATIONAL TV in a tree suit? Tell me that you are all making this up and that I’m missing some private joke, or something!

Apparently he’s in what is called a “ghillie suit”, a form of extreme camouflage that alows you to blend in with the bushes and that involves, well… looking like vegetation. Very popular among military snipers, I’d suppose rarely used by civilian police except in special stings.

Yes, just like I mentioned in post #33.


As if there’s no chance, in another state, that someone would be carrying a gun.

It’s just a way to, at the same time, make a knock on concealed carry (child molsters get guns! it’s so crazy!!) and justify excessive police force at the same time.

Send in the tree.

Heh. Heh heh. Heh heh heh!

What is the actual charge these people are being arrested for? And yes, can’t their defense be that they were actually talking to a middle-aged reporter?

Sure you can ! :slight_smile:

The defense that one truly knew that it was a set-up and one truly believed one was not flirting with an underage child but was in fact play-acting would probably be a really tough case to make. Unless of course one videotapes one’s self while chatting online and says things out loud like " I know that this is a game, this man must be at least 45". :rolleyes:

Thank god that nobody in a position of serious authority is involved in this kind of thing. You know. Like, say, a spokesman for the United States Department of Homeland Security. :frowning:


That’s what I was wondering - when does it go from ill-advised fantasy role-playing into actual crime? When the meet-up plans are made? When the guy shows up? When he walks in the door? If he brought condoms?

How can intent be proven?

See, this is what I can’t wrap my brain around. How can someone be prosecuted for “transmission of harmful material to a minor” when there are no minors involved?

I can understand if they used the ruse to get a warrant to search his home and computer, then subsequently found evidence that he sent the porno material to other, actually real, minors (and not people posing as such). But otherwise, could he go to jail for something he didn’t do, just because he thought he did it? That sounds too close to thoughtcrime for my taste.

Then again, you want to prevent the pervs from preying on actual, real minors if you can help it. It just seems there should be a better way then busting people for theoretical crimes. :confused:

The same principle that allows for other kinds of sting operations – for example, when undercover officers bust people for hiring “hitmen” to kill someone. The fact that there was no actual hitman contacted doesn’t mitigate the fact that the suspect believed he or she was meeting with the real deal, etc.

I actually think that the cops did us all a service by busting this guy. Unlike the Internet site cited around this and other threads running right now on pedophiles, this was a straight-up police investigation and arrest.

I am pained by life imitating art. Does this sound familiar?

Sci Fi right? Except that- while I think that scumpot honestly believed he was about to meet a young girl, the real truth is that he sent dirty requests, dirty sexual descriptions and other such communiques…to an adult police officer.

He is facing 115 YEARS in jail for thinking about sex with an underaged person. I have no doubt but that he would have carried through with it and wrecked a child’s life in the process. However, this is indeed ThoughtCrime stuff. He thought about it, he talked about it, he was arrested for having done it… but he never did it.

I detest these bastards but I do agree- show me the minor he committed crimes against.
