David Lynch: 'Twin Peaks' Showtime Revival "Happening Again"

I heard this (well, I guess it wasn’t confirmed) a while back, and that most of the original cast had signed back on. I’m really, really hoping it’s good.
I’ve watched it probably 3 times from beginning to end, but about 2 years ago I watched it with a work friend (who’s 25) and I just couldn’t get through it. He was too young to appreciate it and as he kept pointing things out, I couldn’t stop noticing these things, like how silly some of the plot was and how horrendous some of the acting was.
It’s hard to explain to him that right now we have (or when we watched it) Six Feet Under and Sopranos and Dexter and Game of Thrones et al. But in the 90’s, Twin Peaks WAS Sopranos and Dexter etc. It was the show everyone waited all week for, it was the show everyone discussed the next day. Shows weren’t over produced like they are now (not that I have a problem with that). It was the show with the weekly cliffhangers. But nowadays when most people already have 3 or 4 amazing shows going at once plus an entire catalog of Netflix/Amazon/On Demand ready to go, Twin Peaks just isn’t anything special.
It’s like trying to get someone brought on The Office to understand how good The Mary Tyler Moore show was.

So, like I said, I really hope it’s amazing. I don’t know how it’s going to work. I think I heard that’s that it’s going to be 25 years later. I’m not sure if you’re going to have to know what happened 25 years earlier, but it would be nice if it inspires a new generation of kids to rewatch the old show.

What happened was that it was announced and appeared to be a sure thing. Then, earlier this year, Lynch backed out because he didn’t think that Showtime was budgeting enough to enable him to do it properly.

Showtime was still going to make it, but fans felt that it wouldn’t be the same without Lynch directing. Then a number of the actors said that they wouldn’t do it without Lynch so the whole thing was in question.

Then today, just a few hours ago, it was announced that Lynch is back on board and that they’re going to do even more episodes than the 9 originally planned.

Regarding current interest in the old show; while I have no doubt that many younger people may not like it, if you look around the web and look at Youtube comments, you’ll see that many of them have watched it on Netflix and liked it.

Wow, I checked twitter,and the cast just recently had dinner with David couple weeks ago guess to really talk about what the series will play out, etc. Everyone looked pretty radiant (just a huge fan of the show and who would have thought after all these years the series would return?) Sherilyn, Sheryl, Madchen, Kimmy were there and Kyle says he’ll return. I don’t think Madchen and Kyle are hardpressed for money (they have found various TV work) but the others have fallen on hard times (read about Sherilyn’s financial disasters)…What if after all these years Audrey…was finally with Agent Cooper? (or his doppelganger)? I read that it was Lara Flynn Boyle and Kyle who stopped that coupledom but now that the actors have broken up!

Mebbe the possible offspring the original characters? I figured Shelly and Bobby have married with Shelly now owning the diner (or co-owning with Norma?) and Bobby now the new sheriff of TP.

Thank god. Twin Peaks without David Lynch would have been about as pleasant as fat free sour cream.

He should give Twitter 10% of the extra salary he gained in commission. There is a small window where people can use Twitter outrage as leverage in contract negotiations (I think Harry Shearer is trying this too) before Hollywood management catches on that Twitter gets outraged over literally EVERYTHING.

18 Episodes?