Dawson's Struggle Has Ended

My thoughts are with you and your family.

lights candle for Dawson

My thoughts are with you and your family at such a hard time :frowning:

Heaven is an angel richer.

I am so sorry for your loss. Seems like Dawson was a terrific kid. Just remember, as long as his memory is treasured and lives are touched by his influence, he will forever be with you, close to your heart. Whenever you think about how beautiful life is, there is Dawson right beside you, opening your heart to the beautiful things that life offers us. Whenever you feel alone, you are not, Dawson is right there with you, keeping you company.

Life is brief, memories are eternal. However short Little Dawson’s existence was, his legacy is and will be monumental. Though his absence will be no doubt painful, the time you all shared with him is an invaluable treasure that has not only enriched your lives but left an indelible mark in your hearts: a mark of innocence, of joy; a mark whose memory is priceless.

In little more than a year of life he has done more than most of us accomplish in our lifetimes: He has made a difference. His courage and perseverance are and will forever be an inspiration.

My most sincere of condolences, Lib. I don’t know what to tell you, but give you the assurance that people who weren’t fortunate enough to meet Dawson admire him and will be carrying him and your family in our prayers. Best of wishes!


That is a great idea, Reprise. I will follow your lead and do the same.

love & prayers to you and your family. I am so sorry for your loss.

I am so sorry. Your family is in my prayers. He was a beautiful little boy.

(((Lib, Edlyn, & family)))

I’m truly sorry to hear that such a young soul has passed on. It’s always so difficult when someone so young leaves us. But it looks like he had a life where he was well-loved no matter how brief.

My thoughts are with you all.

Libertarian and Edlyn, my sincere condolences go out to you and your family. You all are in my thoughts and prayers.


As the Scots say, out of God’s hands and into the hands of God.

My prayers to you and your family, Libertarian.


I am so sorry to hear about Dawson’s passing :frowning:

If you guys need to e-mail, please do.


I’m so sorry to hear about that, Lib & Edlyn. :frowning:

I wanted to let you know about the thread Melin started on Opal’s board. You’re in our thoughts.

Wow. Ok, I want to say that I’m very sorry to hear this news… and I’m sorry for my weakness but I just couldn’t read through his website. I could feel myself losing it. I’ll be depressed for weeks if I let myself so I’m going to distance myself from this for my own mental health. Please know that my heart is with you.

Beautiful baby, beautiful spirit, beautiful life.

We really, really need a crying emoticon.

i am so sorry to hear of dawson’s passing. may his memory be eternal.

I am so sorry for your loss, and so happy that you had the time with Dawson that you were given. Although his time on earth was short, he was loved and cherished, and I am sure that he knew it. That is small comfort now, but may be a solace later.

And I praise God that you have the comfort of knowing that he is in heaven, and free from pain, and in arms far more loving than ours could ever be.

My heart is with you, and my prayers go out to you and your family.


Oh Lib. While I’ve missed your posts in GD, I had no idea you were facing this. I hope the healing is swift, and all who are grieving now can come through the hurt with all the joyful memories of Dawson to keep and cherish.

It is long past the hour when I should have gone to bed, but I am sleepless, though tired, and decided to read the thread my beloved Libertarian started for litle Dawson. Your kindness and heartfelt sympathy touched me deeply. I am printing this thread for my daughter and son-in-law to read and I know that your words will touch them also.

Tomorrow morning we will be remembering, celebrating, and laying to rest the body of our little Dawson. There will be most difficult moments with tears, but other moments will be ones filled with pride, smiles, perhaps a little laughter, but most of all love. The same love that surrounded him during his days with us and the love that surrounded him as he left us.

reprise and quasar: Your kind act of giving a gift on Dawson’s behalf is a beautiful tribute to him. I only wish that you could know of the happiness that little act brought to our family and will bring to the child and family that receives it. I know of that happiness because we have now experienced both sides of it. Wipe your tears, reprise; now you can smile.

God bless.


Allow me to refer to one of your favorite quotes here.
“Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.” — 1 John 4:8

From that webpage, it is evident that in Dawson’s short life, and even through his untimely death, he has been close to God. How incredibly beautiful, yet how incredibly sad.

Lib, my prayers go out to you and yours on behalf of Dawson. My thoughts go to when Jesus told his followers when observing the children, “Suffer the little children to come unto me, for such is the kingdom of Heaven.” I know Dawson is smiling.

Words fail me. Liberatarian, I never knew Dawson, but I am always saddened by the passing of someone so young. You and your family is in our thoughts. I hope you can heal with serenity and strength. I want you to know that everyone wishes you peace and comfort and sympathises with your loss.

Libertarian, I am so sorry for your family’s loss, and so moved by your description of Dawson’s spirit. If it is possible to be sad and gladdened at the same time, I am also thankful for the way in which you’ve chosen to share Dawson’s memory with us, and to let us share your mourning.

My thoughts are with you, friend, and with your family.