Randy Johnson gets his second win in as many days! I cannot believe it!



Deja vu all over again!
GMTA, eh?

Bears win, D’backs win, all is right with the world!

… I hate Diamondback fans. And I have well-established reasons for backing this up:

  1. Randy Johnson is an ugly bastard.

  2. Curt Schilling is a slightly less ugly bastard.

  3. … uh …

[Drunk D’back fan]
“Hey! Our team is winning this year. Alright! We didn’t give two licks about them a week ago, but now we’ll rally behind a team we’ll probably hate in two years. Yeah!”
[/Drunk D’back fan]

Sorry, it’s the bitterness talking. Ehh, it’s all IMHO anyway, I don’t need a reason. I guess they deserved what they got. If Jeter made that play in the 9th, this thread wouldn’t exist anyway. Oh well…

As a long time Philadelphia Phillies fan, I’m glad to see Curt Schilling get his Championship Ring. I’ve always liked him and was very sad to see him go. He pitches like a champ.

Randy Johnson, though he is an “ugly bastard”, simply amazes me. And who would of thought they would have put him in as a closer?

It’s sad to see a dynasty defeated, but the better team won tonight.

Holy crap.

I guess turnaround really is fair play, ain’t it?

Good job, D-Backs. I was rooting for the Yanks, but being as I’m not a fan of either team, I ain’t too upset. Good show, both of you teams.

Wow. Who ever would have expected…

I am not a fan of either team, but I am glad the Yanks lost.

I guess that would have applied to the Dbacks as well?!

More like “If RIVERA made that play in the 9th”.
It wasn’t Jeter’s fault, it was an awful throw!

Sort of. I hate the yanks, and don’t really like the Dbacks.

Mod thing:

::edges in warily::
See, this isn’t really a poll or “debate lite” so it belongs better in MPSIMS–which is not to imply that any rabid sports affiliation is either mundane and pointless. Nuh-UH! Especially not those associated with deadly vipers.

Just wanted to be clear on that before this gets moved.
::gulps audibly::
