DC Dopers!!

Please don’t take this the wrong way, but I don’t feel like socializing much right now., That might change in a couple of days, but oplease do not make any plans around me based upon this.

I’m sorry…

Yer pal,

I’m always interested in any DC area gatherings… so’s you DC area people know. I live in Fairfax…

O p a l C a t

Would you still like to meet at The Paramount Steakhouse on Wednesday?


Gasoline: As an accompaniement to cereal it made a refreshing change. Glen Baxter


Wednesday evening at the Paramount Steakhouse could work for me. Any other DC Dopers able to attend then?

~ Complacency is far more dangerous than outrage ~

What time and what address for the Paramount Steakhouse?

Oh, and how would Straight Dopers recognize each other there?

I have a doctor’s appointment at 5:30 so it would have to be after 6:00. Say 6:15, or 6:30?

Does that work for y’all?

How to recognize each other? By our colossal craniums, of course! :slight_smile:

~ Complacency is far more dangerous than outrage ~

I’d love to go to a meeting…but…um… a steakhouse isn’t sounding that good to me. Sowwy! As a vegetarian it’s just not the easiest type of place to find something to eat, and the smell is usually pretty overwhealming. If you do another gathering somewhere a little more all-purpose let me know!

O p a l C a t

Awwww, wassa matter wif the poor widdle vegetawian? Can’t she handle a big juicy steak? Maybe she -

Ooops! Scratch that. This is MPSIMS, not the pit - I keep getting those confused. So sorry, OpalCat!

Anyway, there’s an Italian restaurant near the steakhouse that I’m sure has plenty of vegetarian (alas, no vegan I imagine) fare. Would everybody be cool with that change so we could include OC?

~ Complacency is far more dangerous than outrage ~

That’s cool with me. I assume you are talking about Dupont Italian Kitchen. :slight_smile: It is Italicious. :wink:

I am going to see the new Bond film earlier in the day with one of my friends and should be able to make it there any time in the early evening. How about setting a time?


Gasoline: As an accompaniement to cereal it made a refreshing change. Glen Baxter

UDD probably will get home from work at 6:30 or so… then we have to take the Metro in, another 30 min… is this close to a Metro stop or will we need a cab?

O p a l C a t

Alrighty, let’s set it for 6:15 p.m. on Wednesday, November 24 at the Italian Kitchen Restaurant at 17th & R(?) NW Washington.

Any conflicts, anyone?

Speaking of anyone, who all is coming? Stand up and be counted!

Sorry, OC. I posted before I’d read your reply. How about 7:00 p.m., then? That should give you enough time to get there.

It’s about a four block walk from Dupont Circle.

Sounds fine to me.

Opal it is something like three blocks from Dupont station on the Red line. I assume you know how the grid works in DC, but if you don’t, go west over to 17th street and north about three blocks from Dupont Station.

I don’t have any conflicts.


Gasoline: As an accompaniement to cereal it made a refreshing change. Glen Baxter

Whoops, we posted at the same time, 7 pm sounds good. No conflicts here.


Gasoline: As an accompaniement to cereal it made a refreshing change. Glen Baxter

Alas, I’ll be suffering at my mom’s house in Memphis. Have a few glasses of wine for me! I’ll catch y’all the next time around.

“Men are from Earth, women are from Earth. Deal with it.” - George Carlin

We’ll be there! We might not make it exactly by 7, so if we’re late order without us, and we’ll be there shortly. (We = me, UndeadDude and Nicky)

O p a l C a t

So we’ve got myself, SqrlCub, Undead Dude & OpalCat.

Anybody else?

Feel up to it, Satan? Still intersted, WIGGUM? Will we be seeing you, Porpentine? Will Wendell be joining us?

Step on up, step on up! Time’s a wasting!

~ Complacency is far more dangerous than outrage ~

Alas, after careful consideration I’ve decided that I can’t blow off my first night at home with my family in five months. (Besides, whenever I think about this thread I still feel like hiding.) But have fun, guys!

I’ll be there. I would still like to know how I can recognize the other people there. Since STARK and SqrlCub will be there first, I assume (I’m coming from work way out in Maryland), could you describe yourself or could you tell me what you’re going to tell the waiter so other people will know you’re the Straight Dopers?