De-cluttering, Slob Reform, Organizing...

i’m with you. zyrtec d twice a day, flonase, advair, eyedrops, the whole nine yards.

i clean until i get wheezy or sneezy. then i stop until things get better. many times i plan on doing a room or closet and wake up with a sinus headache or the sneezing starts before i do.

i will put a bunch of stuff into a laundry tub or box that way i can go through something even if i can’t clean something. papers, clothes, or trinkets.

or just go through a room and put the stuff that doesn’t belong there in a box or bin to go through later.

it is easier to let sleeping dust lie.

Good Lord, woman! And I thought that my sewing pile was backed up!

I know, you’re really going to get bogged down when you get to Victorian.

I thank the wizards of science for non-drowsy antihistamines. Before Zyrtec and others my only option was Benadryl which knocked me out within an hour of taking it, another reason I never got much done in the past.

You never know when you’ll need a carburetor for a 72 Pinto or an 8" positrac for… hell I don’t even know what it goes to.

I’m working on it. Not only have I been throwing things in the basement and the attic but I have all my parents stuff I never sorted through scattered about. I just got done gathering all my tools and organizing them so I can find stuff. I’m calling that step 1.

I need to start cleaning up my room. I am not a big hoarder, but my place is very messy, dusty, and cramp. I am renting one room though, so all the mess is confided to one place.

I managed to wipe the exposed floor; the next challenge is are the areas under and behind the bed. I have hairballs of dust lingering there. And there is this ‘smell’. I don’t know what it is, or where the source is - my nose gets used to it very soon. There might be some books which I could get rid off; perhaps a new blanket so that I can put the current one in the wash.

This is one of them there cool username/post combos.

Well, you never know when you’ll be called as a witness for My Cousin Vinny…

For a long time I sold books on E-Bay, Amazon, and I also sold children’s clothing to a local consignemnt shop, women’s clothing to another one, and household items to yet another. I was a garage sale junkie.

I went to garage sales every summer at least a couple weekends a month from May-September. I made fairly decent money and it was a fun hobby. Unfortunately, I’m sure you can imagine the amount of ‘stuff’ I brought into the house. For the most part I would clean it up and move it along to the next destination, but there were times when that wasn’t the case. There always seemed to be bags and boxes and books and clothes spilling out of the corners, from the hall closet… etc. My husband is a patient man!

The worst part was probably the books. My precious is how I would define my love for books and reading them; I usually have five to six that I’m reading at any one time. There are books in every room of the house. Yes, every room. I lost interest and stopped going to the sales last summer, so our house is slowly going back to what it should be.

What really helped me is shows like Clean House and of course Hoarders. Every time I watch one of those shows, I do three things. 1). Fill a bag for the Salvation Army 2). Fill a bag to put in the trash 3). Clean a specific area… for example, clear off the kitchen table, clean out a dresser, de-clutter part of a closet, get everything out from under the bed, etc. I usually have to take a Benadryl and then it’s time for bed because that stuff knocks me out.

These shows are typically an hour long and I may watch once or twice a week. It’s really made a difference in the amount of stuff around the house. Last week when I watched Hoarders, I worked on my closet and it’s not perfect, but looking better. I’ve come to the realization that I’m very comfortable surrounded by lots of ‘stuff’, but on the other hand having too many possessions makes me feel frustrated. Something had to give.

Luckily the Salvation Army is less than four miles up the road and Purple Heart picks up anything I leave on the porch. They came last Wednesday and will be here again next Wednesday. I’ve had them come to the house so many times in 2009 that the drivers probably have our address memorized. As a result, the kids’ rooms look great. The living room looks great, and the family room is almost there. I have one more stack of books that are finally going on the front porch this week, as well as some DVD’s.

The kitchen needs help, and our bedroom does too.

We had some hardwood put in the living room and the kids’ bedrooms, then those rooms were painted. As a result I got rid of a lot of debris, lol. I’m painting the family room today and someone is coming to do the kitchen soon, so those rooms will be clean and uncluttered before Christmas.

I can’t wait.

Well, I just had a minor victory - I went into our main bathroom, threw out all the trash, and went through every single thing under the sink and on the shelves over the toilet. Threw out everything that was expired, threw out beauty stuff I’ll never use, put what we do want to keep into order (everyday stuff, on sink. Every week stuff, over toilet. Every when did we buy this? stuff, under sink, first aid in the drawer.) Made lists of first aid stuff to pick up at the store now that I trashed everything expired.

Hauled two extremely heavy bags of trash out of the world’s tiniest bathroom.

Still haven’t gone through the magazine basket or the “I forget we had shelves there” shelves, though. And had to throw all ‘im indoors’ stuff into a box for him to go through, but it’s a small box.

You know, when I was doing the initial decluttering phase, I threw away so much stuff. It was so completely freeing. I decided early on that if whatever it was had been out in the garage for years (literally, years) or hidden under junk in the bathroom for months, then clearly it’s not of use to me. I made exceptions only for very precious/irreplaceable items, like ultrasound pictures or monogrammed first baby shoes, etc. I threw away an entire magazine rack full of old magazines and books that had a thick layer of dust on them. I threw away candles I know I’m never going to burn. I threw away “shelf shit” that had been on display in our apartment when we first moved in together, but that we don’t have room for now, or that is inappropriate. (We don’t need to display our “Slut” and “Virgin” hand creams where our kids can read the boxes.) Threw away baby toys that all of our kids have outgrown, but that I used to save “just in case.” (Just in case WHAT?) Threw away coffee mugs! And plates! It was tremendously lifting.

And you know, that was two months ago and none of us has missed any of it. It was so fun, and so rewarding, that I’m almost disappointed we’ve been so good about keeping more clutter from accumulating, because I kind of want to do it again. Our bedroom is still a problem area, though, so maybe I’ll tackle it next…

Hey, if you really love throwing shit out, I got some shit for ya. You can start with his shit, too.

:smiley: I did make a rule that I would not throw away any of MrWhatsit’s stuff without at least telling him about it first. Sometimes this took the form of me saying, “I bagged up trash from our bedroom. Some of your scribblings were in there. I checked to make sure none of it was bank statements, insurance forms, or anything else that looked important,” and wonder of wonders, he actually trusted me and let the bag go out the door. So you see, there is hope.

Honey, I will buy you a plane ticket from Ohio to Seattle if you will come throw away my shit for me.

I moved for the second time in three years. I shredded a bunch of old stuff, keeping this year’s stuff for tax purposes, veterinary records, receipts for the big stuff like computer and furniture. I gave a bunch of clothes and shoes to Goodwill. Magazines and catalogs went to a coworker or the trash. Hazardous stuff (old cleaners, paint) went to the county disposal unit for such things. 1800-GOT-JUNK took the cat damaged couch, extraneous boxes, and branches from the yard (I highly recommend them!!).

I’m a bit of pack rat, but I’m getting better. I’m hoping to keep our new house as decluttered as possible. I’m trying to use up stuff before I buy new stuff like soap and shampoo. I keep my receipts in a plastic bin, crafts stuff in another bin.

I just put some old kids’ books in a bag for freecycle. On Wednesday, when I work from home, I’ll post the books, a bicycle, a tricycle and a Little Tykes convertible that should make some kids good Chanukah/Christmas presents. It’s a good time of the year to get rid of kid stuff.

The hardest thing for me to get rid of is my books, even books I have
not the remotest use for (Handbook of culvert and drainage practice) or
maybe (sailing yacht design).
I made a deal with myself, that if I found a new book, one or more
old books have to go to charity.
As a result I buy fewer and feel better about losing .

I have to say, in the process of organizing my tools, it is a HUGE pleasure to work on projects when everything is well organized. I just helped a buddy work on his house and everything I needed was grouped in such a way as to be able to pull them off a shelf and go. Instead of buckets of nails and screws I had 2 carrying cases that held everything I needed. Same for electrical work. Everything I needed was in one small case. All my pliers were in a rollup wrap and all my carpentry tools were in a zippered case.

In the process of organizing I’ve thrown away a ton of stuff. Being organized rules.

So…we started working this weekend. We began in our bedroom and our closet. We took out eight bags of garbage and donated another 4 bags (and a box) to the local Savers. We completely cleaned out the corner of the living room, and for the first time since we moved in (a little over 2 years ago) we can actually use that area as a living space. So we put in a Christmas tree.
Basically that ENTIRE space was full of crap.
That corner was stacked high with clothes. We cleared it out, put our cardboard vampires there, and built some storage shelves for that corner. We also put together another set of shelves to help us stay organized.

The plan is to put our clothes there and move them out of the hall closet. Then we can put our towels where are clothes used to be, and put all our freshly laundered bedding in the space where the towels used to be–which means the bedding won’t be stacked in random corners or pushed into the storage closet.

We’re far from finished. Our kitchen is currently a pigsty that needs to be cleaned. There’s still a corner of our bedroom that needs to be dealt with (though it’ll probably take like an hour. It’s my husband’s stuff, so I’m letting him do it on his own time). The rest of our living room just needs to be picked up (regular cleaning not piles of crap everywhere). But for the first time in perhaps my adult life, I feel like I’m really close to having a genuinely clean house.

I use a 10 year rule: if I haven’t used it for 10 years, I will never use it. Books are the exception, I’ve never thrown out, given, or sold a book, ever. Right now though we’re having an issue with DVD’s and cases. I might get a book and throw out the cases to save space.

The one thing I ever regretted was selling my entire box of ~500 baseball cards for ~$100 about 15 years ago. In that box was the so-called Nike set, which was only in boxes of a very unpopular shoe for a limited time in 1986. The entire set goes for quite a bit now on ebay.