Dead hand

[bold] By popular request I am re-posting a little story that was originally posted way back when on the original SDMB. [/bold]

Mrs. FixedBack woke me up a 4 AM this morning, screaming her head off. It seems that she slept on her arm and it was completely numb. When she turned over, her own hand flopped onto her face. Since this hand couldn’t feel her face, and her face could certainly feel the hand, she thought it was someone else’s hand.
Scream, loudly “What’s that??”
Opens eyes, sees hand.
Scream even louder, “Omigawd, who is that touching me?”
By now, the hand is starting to get back some mobility, but still no feeling. She reaches out with the other hand to feel the “stranger’s” hand, and the hand moves!
Scream again, “Oh Jesus, it grabbed me!”
Now she realizes the hand is hers, but there is something wrong with it.
Scream again, “Oh, no! What’s wrong with my hand?”
By now, I am fully awake and I realize what is happening, and am highly amused by this little performance. She gets P.O.'d and wallops me with the “dead” hand, which is just starting to get some feeling back. Of course this causes horrendous pain in the recovering hand, and she screams one more time, “Dammit quit laughing at me, you hurt my feelings!”
I erupt in more gales of laughter, younger dog trys to climb up on bed to check on her misfiring humans. Mrs Fixed wallops dog for getting up on bed with, you guessed it, the same mistreated, malfunctioning hand. More yelps of pain and cursing of dog from Mrs. Fixed as she flounces around in bed angrily.
The cursed-at dog ran and hid in the next room, while the oIder dog gave us all a disgusted look and went back to sleep after emitting one barely audible fart.
The whole thing was hilarious, and I am still chuckling about it off and on.
