Dead sea rolls

Serious answers?!?!?!
Lord god in heaven. What has this thread turned into?

Dead Sea Rolls? Is that like love handles?

According to ancient legend, a priest was admitted to heaven and was granted permission to view the original manuscripts of the Bible. After several days of study, the priest ran out of the Library, wailing and tearing at his hair. “No!” he screamed, “It says we should celebrate, not be celibate!”

Maybe Martin Luther would have had more success on his Diet of Worms if he could have had some Dead Sea Rolls to take with him.

According to Ezekiel, they taste like honey.

(I wonder if God made the opposite mistake as the OP.)

You bumped an eleven year old thread for that? You could have at least said that Ezekiel said they taste like braiiinss or something. Sheesh!

Even worse, the scrolls that Ezekiel ate in a vision have nothing to do with the Dead Sea Scrolls, or the OP’s unfortunate typo of ‘rolls’ which brought up the whole eating nonsense, which again, has nothing to do with either Ezekiel’s eating of scrolls in a vision or the actual Dead Sea Scrolls.

And while this thread has popped up

The Dead Sea Scrolls Online


Made for a good nosh?

Nice cite. Didn’t they also taste like burning coals sometime?

Crap, I didn’t know that I just complimented a zombie bump made just to let fly a joke.

Even though it’s an old thread, I have to say, I liked this reply very much. :slight_smile:

And wouldn’t they be bagels? Actually bagels that float.

Dear Lord, three things I pray…

I like the idea of BigT spending the last decade trying to find the perfect Dead Sea Rolls pun. Keeping a log of different ideas, paying groups of people money to listen to his ideas so he can carefully screen-test each one. His family has left him, driven away by his obsession, his friends avoid him, not wanting to hear hours of analysis of his different ideas.

Then Bam!

And all of a sudden, its all been worth it.

Zombie Dead Sea Rolls. Now I have seen everything.

Complete with Zombie Apocrypha!

Or Esther Rolle?

I hope not - in the book of Ezekiel, he was supposed to cook the bread over a fire made with human feces.

I say we get Richard Dreyfuss to play him in the movie. Richard Dreyfuss and lots of mashed potatoes.

Is it true that the scrolls are kept in a specially made bunker that can go underground and automatically gets covered by slabs of lead in case of nuclear war?

Or was that for another historical artifact?