I’m not a Deadhead by any means, though I’m certainly old enough to be one of their original fans. I mostly knew of the Grateful Dead’s work through the songs that got radio airplay (probably not the best representation of any artist’s work), and neither loved nor hated their music. Shrug.
Then by chance a couple months ago I heard the song Terrapin Station (the 16 minute opus) on satellite radio, and I really liked it. Frankly, I was surprised when I checked who the artist was. So I bought the full album off iTunes and have enjoyed it greatly.
Terrapin Station played again on my iPod tonight while driving home and I wondered if perhaps the Grateful Dead recorded other albums that I might like as well. Rather than try to sample snippets via iTunes I thought I’d tap the vast resources of the Straight Dope.
So. Based on the fact that I like Terrapin Station, does anyone have any suggestions for other Grateful Dead albums that had a similar style?
I should disclose that I think the reason I like the long song itself is due to the orchestral and choral accompaniment. (I know, I know… there are those of you out there cringing right now cursing this combination of the Dead and strings as an abomination of nature. I should confess that I also really like the Metallica album S&M where they’re joined by the San Francisco symphony. Do two data points comprise a trend?)