According to Yahoo, Capts. Johnathan and Andy Hillstrand and Sig Hansen won’t be returning to Discovery’s Deadliest Catch.
I don’t know about you, but that makes it pretty much unwatchable to me. Not so much the Hillstrands… they’re kind of assholes and I wouldn’t miss them. But with the death of Phil, and if the Northwestern, Sig and Edgar aren’t on it, I have to say my interest has quickly approaching zero.
Yea, without Sig and the Hillstrands, I’m not interested. I like Keith, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t think he can carry the whole show. And I am “not a fan” of Bill - I think he’s just an asshole without the redeeming factors that the other captains had to balance out their assholeness.
Didn’t know there were sharks in the Bering Sea. Nor that those big fishing boats could jump one.
It was already going to be a much lesser show without Phil. Without Sig and the Hillstrands, it will be unwatchable. sad…
I’m kind of surprised that Deadliest Catch made it as far as it did. The first season was great because it was the last season of derby fishing. The next season was interesting to see how the new regulations would workout and how it affected things. After that, the catching part became redundant. Full Pots, Yay! Empty Pots, boo! The people drama saved the show, but I personally don’t care to know what’s going on these peoples’ lives. It’s interesting enough I guess, but not must watch TV.
I’m not a diehard fan of the show but I’ll almost always stick with a marathon when I catch it on a weekend. It’s the perfect background show. I’ll miss all 4 of the guys missing, though I think the Sig fandom is a little misplaced, he always struck me as dull and kinda irredeemably prickish. I think I’ll miss most of the crew members more than Sig assuming they all are gone along with the Captians.
That said, I’ll still watch because the show has such a great style and premise. They hopefully can find new Captains that are as compelling as the old ones without being pale imitations. Plus with Mike Rowe on board they show still has plenty of keep me watching.
I’ve only started watching it this year, but I really must admit that to me, each show is much the same as the previous show. “200 miles north of Dutch Harbor, a storm is brewing…”. My daughter comes in, sees me watching it, and says, “oh, don’t tell me, this is the one where they haul up big steel cages of crabs with monstrous big waves rocking that ship”. But I like it as background, there’s something soothing about a Deadliest Catch marathon. Or maybe it’s Mike Rowe’s voice - is there any DC show he doesn’t do a voiceover for? (this is the first summer we didn’t have a king crab-leg feast - not that I couldn’t afford $15 a pound, but it was so damn HOT in the kitchen I said the hell with it, and now I regret it, deeply.)