Deadly Rooms of Death!

This is an insanely difficult puzzle game. I love it, although I’m only on level 8 of 15. Has anyone else heard of it/played it?

I am so at a loss. Is Deadly Rooms of Death the name of the game, or just your thread title?

Also beware of the Redundant Rooms of Redundancy.

At first I was reluctant to link to this, but doing a little sleuthing led to an alternative.

The author of DROD contacted the publisher and completely rewrote the game in 2002, which he is now releasing for free under the name “Caravel DROD.” I don’t see any copyright issues with linking to that, but mods, feel free to do what you will.

Arg. I should have posted that. Please, people who think that they are good at logic puzzles, download and play. I challenge you to beat even the first level!

Beat the first level…

On to 2!