Dear Ex-Fat Guy on Subways Commercials

But, at least, Jason Alexander is a first rate actor with a fairly impressive resume, rather than a manufactured “famous person”.

I’m gonna need a cite for that. Most specificly the “first-rate actor” claim.

The TV production of “Bye Bye Birdie”. He was stunningly good as Albert, so good in fact, that I’d rate him slightly higher than Dick Van Dyke who originated the role.

When he’s not playing George Costanza (which just about every other role I’ve seen him in has been), he’s actually really good. And he has a great singing voice, believe it or ont.


I liked “Duckman” enough to forgive the KFC ads.

Now can we discuss the rectal polyp that is that damn McD’s ad about their desserts? I can only tell you that the song starts:
“I got me a sundae, McDonald’s…”
because that’s how long it takes me to lung for the mute button. DAMN but that’s a bad commercial!

I’ve not seen the commercial, but DAMN! Those sundaes are GOOD!

Glad I’m going to McD’s for lunch today…

[Homer]mmmm…McDonald’s Sundae[/Homer]

Jerry Seinfeld commented: So this guy lost a thousand pounds eating sloppy meatball sandwiches at Subway. What the hell was this disgusting, fat pile of crap eating BEFORE he decided to lose weight?

Ditto. Smarmy personified.

He won a freaking TONY* for Starting Here, Starting Now. How much of a site do you need, ** voguevixen **?

*Tony is the Broadway equivalent of an Emmy or Oscar, for all you people with no culture.

OK, here. Granted this isn’t what you’d call an incisively critical site because they rarely pan anyone, but just the bald facts about Alexander’s early career would seem to indicate great talent.

Jeez you people are touchy and humorless. The joke is that you cannot provide a “cite” for something that is a matter of opinion. (BTW, if the Tonys are the equivilent of Oscars or Emmys, then they are in NO WAY indicative of a person’s talent.)

Javaman, your link leads to an error page, lol!

It’s not important now as others have backed me up. Thank you all.

But if you’re interested, just go to and look him up yourself. I don’t know why the link didn’t work; I c & p’ed from the url on his entry.

Well, the fact that Jason Alexander is capable of turning in good performances makes it even more pathetic that he has devolved into a smarmy, nugget-peddling asshat.

I can just see those little devils and angles sitting on his shoulders, and the shoulders of Jamie Lee Curtis, Dennis Miller, et al. Angel: “Don’t flush your good name down the terlet for the sake of a paycheck! People will hate you for these ads!” Devil: “Take the money!”

“Angels.” *Angels. * Dammit. “I Married an Angle . . .”

Huh huh, you said bald, huh huh. here is an early role of his, in the Friday the 13th ripoff The Burning. Of course, now he is famous as that bald-headed, chicken selling mother-fucker.

And don’t forget his great role as the rat bastard in Pretty Woman

Is there such a thing as a good McD’s commercial?

Wait a minute, what new spokesman? The other guy in the greatly despised “Thank you, whoever you are” commercial? 'Cause if that’s who you mean… well, beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, taste is supposedly totally subjective, and in theory everyone has a right to their own opinion. But I still have to ask, WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU? The guy looks like the reanimated corpse of Steven Webber. He’s a ghoul. His alternative to fast food burgers is human brains. He needs to be nailed all right: in a box, packed with consecrated earth, and buried underneath a church during a full moon.

Unless, of course, you mean some other, actually hot Subway spokesman, one who is not a member of the unquiet dead, in which case I offer a hearty Emiliy Litella “Nevermind.”

I like Subway-roast chicken breast on whole wheat*, provolone cheese, lettuce and honey mustard sauce. Well, I prefer Caesar Sauce, but they don’t have it anymore, the fuckers.
*not because it’s healthier-I just like the wheat bread better

But I don’t eat this stuff every damn day!

scott-Baked Lays aren’t so bad. I like them cuz they’re not as greasy, and they’re good with ketchup. Of course, all chips are.

Sorry I offended ** voguevixon **, but Jason Alexander is so good on stage it pisses me off to see what he has become. First Seinfeld, then Kentucky Fried (anyone else remember the “you do deserve a break today” commercial he did in the 1980’s?). I wish he’d return to Broadway.

I just wanted to say that wishing harm (or waiting for it with hands rubbing together gleefully) on a fellow human who really hasn’t done anything to deserve it is not a particularly nice thing to do. Just let the man live his life, and turn off the commercials if they bother you, okay?