Dear House Centipede on my closet wall

You are afraid of bugs? Man, that ruins my image of you. :slight_smile: I figured you’d be swooping down, killing them DEAD.

:eek: :eek: Don’t know if I should feel more sorry for kid or for daddy.

Aren’t those thing an alien species in the U.S.? I know I saw a buttload of them in our very rustic (read: medieval) rented vacation home in France, and I was relieved that they were in Europe and not the U.S. Then I heard they had migrated here and were to be found in the eastern United States.

I hope that by the time they expand to California that I’ll be dead of old age. I never want to see one skitter towards my feet as I sit on the john at 2 in the morning ever again.

I wish!

I am such a little bitch when bugs come around. It makes no sense, and I feel like a complete dingus for losing my composure when any crawl-y or fly-y thing is near. A man could approach me wielding a gun and I’d be all, “Eh,” but oh my god, if a spider crawls across my desk, it is over. Over.

Give me all the spiders you want. No, really, please. I like spiders (well, not crawling on me, but I like sharing living space with them). But house centipedes just give me the screaming heebie jeebies.


Ummm we have them at my place near L.A.

I rather like them, now that I know what they are, subject to almost all the caveats in the OP.

Well, that makes me feel TOUGH. I’ll kill 'em for you, don’t you worry. I kill the spiders for my SO. I freaked him out a couple of weeks ago when I reached up to the doorjamb, just casually, and accidentally knocked a spider onto my chest. I was like “Oh, look, a spider. You can’t go there, spider.” And picked him off and killed him. My SO was all :eek:

I refuse to go close enough to kill it.

Hahahaa!! I love it. It’s like the chilling end to a short story.

Thank you soooo much. Now I am going to be constantly looking at the ceiling. People are going to think I am nuts. AND I am going to have nightmares

Since my daughter came to me at the age of six and is DEATHLY afraid of all bugs, I truly sympathize.

What I say: See, honey? It’s just a spider. Do you know how they make their webs? Yadda yadda. See? he’s not scary at all. He is just hanging out and doing his thing. We don’t need to kill him.

What my brain says: Ahh! Ahhh! Get this thing away from me! Ahhh! Why are you not running away? Run away! Ahh!

Apparently they are Mediterranean but now in the US. They’re in the far west of Nevada so I’m sure they’ve gotten into California. To the coast Wikipedia says. Canada has them apparently. So, maybe you haven’t seen them, but they’ve seen you.

I have found two of them in my house. And also a green, “regular-style” segmented centipede. I am gracious: I imprison them in a large glass, then take them outside. And by that I mean drop them out the second story window. They’re arthropods, they can handle it.

I get rid of them because they’re freaky, but also because they’re fast and have a venomous bite. I have posted about this before, but I found a solfugid, aka “camel spider” as well. Now I know those aren’t venomous, but they get evicted for the freaky factor alone. It wasn’t anywhere near as large as the ones shown.

We have them. I’m in Toronto. I used to call them demon bugs, because they frigging are. They’re a good argument against the existence-is-good philosophy.

Aargh, I know we have many in our basement and they kill other bugs and they’re top predator but they can live for seven years and see better than humans do!!!

Only bug that makes me completely nuts. Hate them.

They might see UV when we can’t, but that doesn’t mean they see better. Their acuity can’t be very good, for instance.

I can’t imagine any roach or spider problem so bad that I would welcome a centipede in my home. It seems a problem far worse than the one it’s supposed to solve, on the level of “boy, these rotting corpses in the front yard sure do keep the door-to-door salesmen away.”

I don’t care! I refuse to be rational about centipedes!

They keep them for pets in Japan. Bleh. Yuck.

I saw one in California (LA burbs) a couple of years ago. A big guy, it was just standing there on my wall, cool as you like. yes, I was a bit freaked out. I went to get something to squash it with and when i got back it had gone. I never saw it again. I had lots of spiders. I didn’t mind them.

If you haven’t seen one in California, it is probably just because you are lucky. :wink:

My first thought was that perhaps it had an injured leg and walked with a cane.

I think it is telling that I didn’t know what these bugs were called, and several years ago I found the answer by googling “Big fucking scary bug many legs”

I never saw a non-pet congoree(local name) in the USA ever.

Late one night I was awakened by something biting me as I slumbered in my comfortable bed. To make boring story short, it was a house centipede that bit me. First time I’d ever seen one and the fucker bit me.