Dear Husband,

yeah yeah, two sugars sweetheart, and a biscuit wouldn’t go amiss…chop chop!


I respect the husband here. He knows that if he does all the things his wife mentioned in the OP, then she will simply find something new to complain about, and it’s better to wait for her to just run out of steam rather than attempting the completely insurmountable task of trying to completely please his wife.

Wow. To some of you, asking that he allow me to wash a dish is passive aggressive, complaining, and asking too much? I think y’all are reading way too much into a “blowing off steam” post!

I think it’s the constant ‘apologies’ that make it passive-aggressive, that’s how I read it anyway, but I got that you were being sarcastic.

It is healthy to vent, you go for it.

Any chance of that tea yet?

I feel like I should get an award. I just read through all of that. Good for me. Epic Lulz if the husband is a Doper.

I’m sorry, but we don’t give out cookies for reading anymore after you have graduated from kindergarten. Congratulations, though! A for effort, little guy!

I have a colleague who is still going through the actuarial exam process. And he tried studying at home, as most people here do, and gave it up - His wife kept finding things for him to do around the house. So he informed her that he was dropping out of the actuarial study program and henceforth did all his studying at the office, pretending (to his wife) that he was working.

I hate to tell you but… it doesn’t get better with age.

My husband is on a 6 week stress leave from work. He stopped being stressed on the second day. He was happy and ambitious about all the things he was going to get done. Then I made the mistake of giving him his Christmas present (a laptop) early.
Thankfully, our son is old enough to fend for himself. It took the animals several days to realize they needed to come find me, if they wanted food or to be let out, although “daddy” is sitting right there next to the kitchen AND the door.

Shit…that’s a perk!

NO COOKIES!!! Are you CRAZY? this is BS…