Dear Macy's: It's Kath-A-rine Hepburn . . .

I’m not putting this in the Pit, as I’m more amused than annoyed . . . I was passing the Macy’s in Herald Square this morning and was pleased to see a bunch of window-display tributes to Katharine Hepburn: mannequins dressed up like her; her photo in the windows; and . . . Her name misspelled, in every single window.

I just left a message on the phone mail of their window-display dept. If she were alive, Kate would go down there and beat them all roundly about the head with her umbrella.

Too funny. We named our daughter Kate in part because of her, and really struggled with the Greek “e” vs. Roman “a” spelling since Hepburn used the less-common one. So I tend to notice that discrepency as well…shame on Macy’s.

This all goes to show that even the largest of advertising budgets is not proof against stupidity. What pathetic morons. Serves them right for relying upon spellcheck.

That’s, um, kinda bad.

We can only hope that a mistake like this will set a precedent; it probably won’t.

I’m the last person to want to get a copy editor in touble; but I think when you’re doing a window tribute to someone, you should at least spell their name right.

Can’t wait to see their tributes to Gregorie Peck, Buddy Epsom and Buddy Hackitt.

That’s, ummm, “trouble,” says the copy editor . . .

Guardere’s Law strikes again.